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I haven't spoken to Marcus in four days. That had to be the hardest thing for me to do. God knows I missed talking to him though. He's been on my mind heavy. I've declined calls, ignored text messages, slammed doors in his face. I have so much to tell him yet I have nothing to say. Since it's Saturday I have time to think and lounge around in the bed. Which is all I've been doing lately. I decide today is as good of day as any so I call Marcus. Hmm no answer. "Well okay then." I say to myself getting out of bed. "He probably doesn't want to talk right now." I walk downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat. Chey was cooking. "I'm surprised to see you in the kitchen." I tease my sister. I mean Chey never cooks. It's rare for her to go near a stove. *Knock Knock Knock* "Who's that?" Chey asks. "It's probably Marcus" I reply. "I'll get it. You just focus on not burning anything." Chey laughs and throws the pot holders at me hitting me in my head. "Who is it?" I call out as I open the door....


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