Uh oh

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"If it's bad Marcus, I don't even want to hear it." "I think you might want to hear this though." My mom walks in "Kris" she says not noticing Marcus at first. "Oh hey Marcus" "Hey Mrs. Stewart" Mom redirects the conversation back to me. "We're all going to go to your grandma's house. But I see your busy. So you stay here and we'll be back in a few hours." "Okay Mom" she and my siblings leave. "What is it Marcus?" "It's not mine! Ashley came over earlier and told me! So you ain't gotta be mad at me no more. Hey wait was that Kyle?! He's back!" "Yes. He came back this morning" I say smiling. Marcus hugs me out of excitement. "Marcus I want you to know I wasn't mad because of the fact she's pregnant. I was mad because you slept with her. But It doesn't even matter anymore. The past is the past." I say walking up the stairs. "So you want me to leave?" "I mean you could or you could come up here with me." I say smiling at Marcus. He quickly follows me to my room. He shuts the door behind him. "Wanna watch tv or something?" "Yea I guess" Marcus sits on the bed beside me. "What do you want to--" he kisses me before I get it out. He slowly pushes me down on the bed and kisses my neck. He runs his hand down my body and gets on top of me. He puts one hand into my basketball shorts and the other under my shirt. He looks me in my eyes and tells me how much he loves me. "I don't want you to think this is all I want from you" he says somewhat backing off of me. "We can wait" I grab him by his shirt pulling him back down. And I kiss him passionately. "I wish you would stop now" I say getting on top of him taking his shirt off. I kiss from his neck down to his abs. He takes my shirt and bra off caressing and kissing my breast. He lays me on my back and takes my shorts off and kisses my clit through my panties. He kisses the inside of my thighs softly. I begin to moan. He starts to take my panties off. He licks my clit slowly then speeds up. Sucking on it and he inserting two fingers into me. I moan louder and call out "right there" with his free hand he grabs my breast and he eats me until I cum. I unbuckle his pants and he reaches in his wallet and pulls out a condom. He pulls off his pants and puts the condom on. He inserts his penis inside me. I can feel it in my stomach. He kisses my neck as I whisper in his ear "go deeper." The deeper he goes the harder I scratch his back. I yell his name loudly as I cum. With sweat falling off of his forehead I know he did too. He kisses me and pulls out. "That was good as fuck baby" Marcus says laying beside me. "Yes lawd" I respond and we both laugh. He pulls off the condom. "Kris" "Mmm you ready for round two?" "Look..."

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