Butt Dialing

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Catherine P.O.V

I laid in bed, staring helplessly at the ceiling. At least I still have a house. But the one thing I truly loved was gone.

I hadn't eaten in a week for James had not been there to remind me to eat and tell me I wasn't fat so I was back to my negative thoughts. I quickly sat up as a wave of nausea hit me.

"Are you all right?" Teresa asked as I threw up for the second time this week. Having her here with me had been a great help and I was really thankful.

I brushed my teeth again and plopped down on the couch, landing on something hard which I assumed was the remote.

"Are you... Pregnant?" She blurted. My eyes widened as I realized I had missed my period and her mouth dropped open when I told her.

"Oh my god! I'm pregnant?" I sobbed. The look she shot me was full of pity and when she opened her arms for a hug, I accepted.

"I'll go buy some tests to make sure," she assured me as she practically sprinted out of the room.

Where is she? It's been 10 minutes and-

The doorbell rang and I stopped pacing for a few moments to get the door. My smile vanished as I saw who was at the door and the figure walked in with a clenched jaw.

"Your pregnant?" James asked. I stared at him, shocked at how he knew. "You must've butt dialed me because I heard your whole conversation and I know it's mine because... Well ya know! But... Ugh how could I have been so stupid?"

"It's fine. You don't have to take care of it! Just stay out of my life you... You," I searched for the right words but became angrier when he stared at me, amused by my loss if words. "You MANWHORE!"

He blinked in surprise and I slumped back down onto the couch. I truly still loved him but that didn't mean I couldn't be mad at him. I had seen on the papers he had already been seen with 5 other woman in a week.

"I want to be apart of the babies life," he choked out. I glared at him but nodded sharply, making him aware of how much I really didn't like him right now. "And I'm also sorry."

"Sorry for what? Sorry you'll never change? Sorry that you got me pregnant? Ya well I'm sorry I'm not good enough for you!"

Silence etched the room and I shivered. I heard the front door open and closed and Teresa emerged, pregnancy tests in hand and ready.

"Just give me the damn tests," I barked. She blinked in surprise at my tone but handed them over quickly. Rushing into the bathroom, I peed on the stick and stared at it. Positive.

"Are you okay Cat?" James called. I squeaked and slid down the wall onto the floor.

The door burst open and I quickly scrambled to get up. The door was now off its hinges and wood was splattered everywhere.

" I'm staying here," he told me, not even asking. I didn't ask any questions for I knew Teresa would be away and this man whore was the only person I had left.

I felt like this had all happened in such a rush and I placed my head in my hands once again, feeling dizzy from my stress, loss of food, and the baby.

"Hey are you okay?" James asked me again. "I mean you do know I'm sorry? That girl just threw herself at me and the things I said..."

I stared as he tried to apologize for the hurtful words. I had physical scars but now I had emotional scars as well. I smiled falsely up at him and knowing the smile was fake, he sighed and rubbed his face with his hand.

"You need to go to sleep," he said suddenly. Before I could do anything, he picked me up bridal style and carried me to my room. We were about to leave the room when James suddenly stopped and looked around, his gaze zeroing in on the carpet in which we had *cough cough* done things on.

"James come on," I whined in his ear. His breath caught as my lips grazed his ear and I smirked at his reaction. He cast one last look at the sacred carpet before turning back to the original task of carrying me to my room.

"Your really light," he noted. I grinned in triumph until I noticed the frown on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He shook his head and continued walking until we reached my room. He gently laid me on the bed and as he removed his hands, his fingers brushed over my thigh giving me goosebumps.

The rain outside reminded me of my fear and I shivered. She had always been the perfect one.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" He asked, nothing the thunder and lighting. I hesitated but knew I would be scared if he didn't so I nodded and he gingerly crawled in next to me. I scooted over to give him room but the second he was fully under the covers he had pulled me into his arms, my back pushed against his hard chest and his lips pressed against my neck.

I knew I wouldn't get much sleep tonight.

James P.O.V

I happily crawled into bed beside my angel and pulled her close to me, loving the way our bodies fit together. Teresa had left some time ago after lots of assuring from me that I wouldn't rape Cat in her sleep.

I pressed my lips to her neck, loving the way her soft skin felt under mine and cautiously darted my tongue out. She shifted a little bit but didn't give any sign of discomfort so I continued. I began to suck and her little whimpers made me pull her closer to show her just how much she affected me.

"That's how much I want you," I whispered huskily in her ear.

"James." She replied. "No."

I sighed but knew she was right and pulled back, still hugging her tightly. Just because we couldn't have sex didn't mean I couldn't hold and touch her. I let my fingers gently travel up and down her legs and stopped once my hand was in between both legs. Leaving my hand there, her breathing slowly grew steadier and I knew she had fallen asleep.

God this girl would be the death of me. A player and an angel. How did this ever happen? She has given me so many chances and me being the douche I am have blown every single one of them. Cat was... Different.

And that's what I loved about her. It's what everybody loved about her.

I think I might be falling for this girl.

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