Chapter 21

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I have people calling me an idiot and a moron, immature, and a bad writer

You can skip this rant if you want to but I find it completely inexcusable to be so harsh. This book is not my best work. I do this for fun, not to get hate and be called stupid and so on. I'm angry; not just about this but how people think it's okay to just label people and say these things. Once you say something, that person is never going to forget it. It is not okay. Going off on a different subject, I need to know why people feel the need to insult people. What joy do you get out of it? You may be having a bad day but that gives you no right to make somebody else's day bad. Everybody deserves to have happy moments. Let people do things for fun without getting criticized. It is just

Ugh okay sorry I'm being all philosophical haha. Okay enjoy this fast update. If you don't like this book please just don't read it. I welcome criticism unless it's directed towards me as a person such as stupid, idiot, or moron. Understood? For those people who are nice... I love you all and please keep being nice. We need more nice people in this world haha.

[ James pov ]

*oh and the pictures our dear Catherine received look like James is kissing and or hugging the lady whom I hope you all have learned to hate haha

Cat wasn't coming out after five minutes so I just shrugged and began making the tea. Wait... I don't even like tea. Did I offer tea just because Catherine likes tea? Or I felt guilty about not being with her last night. It wasn't my fault. She should know not to dance with other guys. Okay, okay... Maybe I over reacted a little bit.

"Cat, the tea's done." She doesn't answer. Maybe she's in the shower? I listen for any sounds of rushing water but I only hear silence. Where is she? I was about to go look in my room when I stop.

Im (yes I see this mistake but im too lazy to change it oops) in front of a mirror and I examine myself slowly. There's a dark spot on my neck and my eyes scrunch together in confusion. I pull my shirt collar down to reveal a... What the fuck did I do last night?

It wasn't much, just a small hickey but where did it come from? Shit. I tried to jog my memory, thinking back to last night. I stayed at Mary's house but she wouldn't...

Oh fuck.

She's the lady Cat was was jealous of last night. She knows I have a girlfriend. My thoughts skid to a hault. Did I just unconsciously call Cat my girlfriend? Her words from last night rang through my head. She thinks we haven't made it official. So if we haven't made it official doesn't that mean technically I didn't cheat? *can we just talk about how much of a douche he is. guess that's why I love him though*

"Sorry." Cat came around the corner, her head low to the ground. I quickly fixed my shirt."Somebody texted me."

"Anybody important?"

She hesitated, I could see it in her movements. She shook her head no. I didn't press it.

"Tea's in the kitchen." She didn't look up and I grabbed her hand. Jumping from my sudden movement she sucked in a breath. I tried to ignore it. What is wrong with her? She couldn't know.

"Are you okay?" She finally looked up and shot me a smile. My eyes quickly traveled over her bloodshot eyes and quivering lip and I pulled her towards me.

"I'm fine." I looked right into her eyes, knowing she was lying. She sipped her tea quietly and remained in his grip. Suddenly feeling the need to hug her, he pulled her closer. She didn't return the hug.

"Cat if you don't tell me anything how am I going to make this work?"

"That's exactly it! What is this? I don't even know. I know what I want it to be but if you're still seeing other girls this obviously isn't-"

"Woah, wait a second. Seeing other girls?"

Her eyes widened and I let go of her. Did she think I did something last night? I wish I could reassure her that I didn't do anything but I don't know what I did last night.

"I haven't seen anyone since we have gotten more serious."

[Catherine pov]

Lying to my face. How does he do that? I'm such a terrible liar and I can't tell him about the photos. He will think I'm stalking him or worse.

"It's okay if you have seen others. But I need to know if you want to make this... official."

"Last night... I don't remember anything. I think I did something but I don't remember. I was really drunk and I would love to make us official." This is what I wanted him to say.

This is what he actually said. "Do you want to make this official?"

I gulped. Yesterday I would've jumped at the opportunity but now... Now I'm not so sure. I love him. And that's bad. Or good. I don't know. All I know is that loving him is making my life hard.

"Do you?" I surprise him with my question and he doesn't answer.

"Yes. But I need to tell you something." I hid a smile. I shouldn't be happy. He has caused me so much pain but so much happiness. How do you make that decision?

"What did you want to tell me?"

"Last night..." I waited for him to confess. "I shouldn't have yelled."

"What?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Isn't that what you want? An apology?"

No I want you to admit that you may or may not have cheated on me while you were drunk.

"Er, yes." He smiled and I felt my chest tightened. He still hadn't admitted to it. His eyes made me forget my thoughts for a second but before he could kiss me I got up and drank some tea.

"I love you." Was that another lie? Do I believe him?

I don't say it back and I hope he doesn't notice but I know he does.

"What's bothering you?" I shrug and drink some more tea. The man makes God awful tea but I was happy to be distracted.

"Where did you stay last night?"

"A friends." Another lie. I try not to flinch and he leans forward.

Before he can say anything else I run down the hall, shouting over my shoulder.

"I'm getting in the shower. " I got no reply but I ran into the safety of the bathroom.

You make me so damn happy, James. Yet so sad.

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