Hes Loves MeHe Loves Me Not

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Cat P.O.V

Did he seriously love me? My mind was racing a mile per minute and I slowly got up to see his expression one of absolute horror.

"Did I say that out loud?" He questioned. I slowly nodded and he groaned and covered his face with his pillow.

"Did you mean it?" I asked, climbing back on to the bed. He removed the pillow and his eyes immediately locked onto mine as I slowly crawled towards him.

"I-I uh I mean.. I don't- what was the question?" He asked as I laid my head in his lap. My hands began to lightly trace circles across his toned chest and I smiled in satisfaction that I could distract him so easily.

Seeing my smile, he smirked down at me and flipped us over so quickly I didn't even think about it.

"Two can play at this game Cat," he whispered huskily in my ear. My insides melted hearing his voice and my breathing picked up as he gently bit my neck and trailed kisses lower until they reached the neck line of my shirt. He slowly pulled my shirt off and began sucking and squeezing ever so softly that I couldn't take it.

"Stop t-t-teasing," I moaned as he began to apply kisses everywhere. I don't think there was one place his lips hadn't touched until he stopped abruptly and looked me in the eye.

"What happened between Sarah and Tyler or whatever his fucking name is?" James asked, gritting his teeth as he said Tyler's name.

Honestly I didn't know if I should answer him because I was scared. I was scared that he was going to be my Tyler and I would be Sarah and I would end up heartbroken and with a baby to raise by myself.

"Tyler was a big player even back then," I began. "He slept with Sarah and she was convinced she was special. I warned her but.."

I repeated the rest of the story and watched his eyes go wide in horror as I described in detail as I shouted and screamed at her to open the door and come down in the pouring rain.

He didn't say anything afterwards so I let my eyes rest until I felt his hand on my waist.

"I meant it," he whispered before slamming his lips against mine.

Getting back at him for teasing me, I pulled back before it could go any further and announced I was going to take a shower.

"But!" He protested but I just laughed and walked into the bathroom. Halfway to the door I stopped, feeling a little kick in my stomach. "Cat whats wrong?"

"Ow ow ow ow," I whined as a harder kick came. He rushed to my side and his eye widened as he saw the blood trickling down my legs.

He drove rapidly to the hospital and the pain increased for each mile. We finally arrived and he carried me into the hospital not caring about the blood on his clothes he had slipped on.

The nurse dragged James out into the hall way to talk to him after inspecting me and giving me some pain medicine and I noticed the kicking had stopped.

"Oh dear," the nurse said. I looked at James worriedly and the nurse just looked at me sympathetically. I looked between them and James shook his head before walking out of the door. "I'm so sorry but you have lost your baby."

I couldn't stop the tears as they began pouring out and I looked out the window to hide my pain but only saw James getting into his car and leaving.

I knew the baby was the only reason he was staying. And now I had to find another job and I just lost my baby who I would've loved so much and I just-

I mentally shut myself down after that thought and shooed the nurse away. She brought me some water and I curled into a ball and cried myself to sleep as I cried over the death of a relationship and my wonderful baby.

Thank you so much and don't forget to vote and comment because I love comments! Follow me on tumblr: primadonna-girl-here

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