Haunted Past

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I love you guys so much! Over 1,000 reads and 9 votes for last chapter. Thanks guys and comment, vote, and follow me! Thanks loves!

James P.O.V

It was about 3 am at the moment and Cat was shivering next to me in the cold bed. The rain was coming down harder than before and she had been thrashing around for a while.

"James," she screamed, sitting up all of a sudden. Her panting filled the room, the sound of the rain pounding on the roof mixed in. Her breathing slowly returned to normal as my mind began to race. She obviously had a bad history with rain and such but I just couldn't figure out what.

My gaze wondered to a picture beside her messy bed and a blonde and brunette stared back at me. The brunette was beautiful and model perfect and the blonde was equally as stunning, yet also seemed sad.

"Can you make me some hot chocolate, James?" She whispered. I nodded and felt my heart break at the look of her body covered in blankets yet sweating from moving so much. I returned first with a wet cloth, placing it on her forehead gently before going to get her hot chocolate.

She gently sipped every so often, trying not to burn her small tongue as she drank from the hot mug. She finished it half way before placing it next to the picture and sitting there, staring at me with her brown eyes. My eyes flickered to her lips where a single droplet of hot chocolate rested alone.

Her tongue darted out and at the same time I leaned forward, placing my lips gently against hers. At first, she froze but gently I urged her to show some kind of reaction. Tangling her hands in my hair, I grinned against her lips at her choice of reaction.

I pulled back reluctantly once the phone began to rang and quickly I wondered who it was.

"Hello?" I heard Cat answer.

"Stop calling me Tyler," she shouted into the phone before slamming it down.

"Tyler?" I asked angrily. The thought of another man touching her, making her smile and laugh, kissing her all over her beautiful body made me madder than ever.

"Umm so thanks for getting me the hot chocolate," she awkwardly changed the subject.

"Who's Tyler?" I asked stubbornly, not liking the idea of another guy in her life.

"Why does it matter?" She shot back. I huffed and crossed my arms childishly.

"Because you are pregnant with my baby and I don't like you seeing other people."

"Oh so you're allowed to see other people after you tell me you love me and then-"

She went silent. I told her I loved her? Oh my god. And then the next day when she walked in on... Oh that's why she had been so mad.

"Look it doesn't matter. It didn't mean anything to me," she mumbled, turning away from me but not before I caught a glimpse of her tear stained cheeks.

"Is that why your were mad when you walked in and saw me and that girl?"

She nodded meekly and I sighed again. And then I did something I hadn't done in a while. I hugged her. I hadn't hugged anyone in years... Well not a real hug at least.

Just held her tightly in my arms and rocked her as her arms finally found their way around my neck where they slid under my shirt and traced patterns in my back.

The rain slowly died down and you couldn't hear it anymore so she finally drifted off to bed until I asked her another question.

"Who are those girls in that picture?" I asked her sleepy figure.

"That's Sarah and I. She died when she was hit by lighting while we were in our treehouse," came the sleepy reply.

"What?" I yelled. Her eyes opened fully and she sat up again. "I'm so sorry for Sarah."

"Me too," she whispered. "Me too."

A knock sounded loudly at the door and I smiled at her, letting her know I was going to get the door.

Opening the door, I was met with a guy 2 inches shorter than me and a player look to him. I was a player trust me, I know, but this guy was 5 times worse.

"Who are you? Where's Cat?" He asked rudely.

"I'm James and Cats sleeping in OUR bed," I boasted. He just raised an eyebrow and grinned.

"You're James? Cat talks about you a lot," he replied. I looked at him, confused by who he was.

"The names Tyler."

And that's when I punched him in the face.

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