The mind reader

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Miss Carter! Wake up! This is no place to sleep a raucous voice bursts into my ear that forces my lids to rise again. It is my new Chemistry teacher, Misses Juliet "Now tell me what did I just say?" umm, well, you told me to wake up I guess? Everyone breaks into laughter. Silence you all! Detention Miss Carter! She Screeches. Wait what?!

It is my first day at school as expected, everyone is quite unfriendly and since I am the new lass everyone finds humor in everything I do. There is this "ugly group" at the last bench where one of the girls remind me of the ghost from the famous horror movie "The grudge" Just that she is darker, much darker. She seems more interested to show her cleavage to the guy next to her than anything else. It bothers me way more than it should. I mean, I thought people make an effort to go to school every morning to be educated, but now it seems like they have more than that in their mind. I changed my school twice and never have I seen such weird people they all dressed as though they have come to some party except for one. She is a total opposite of all; she looks anachronistic and wise, and bothers answering almost all the questions that are being asked by the chemistry teacher for the past few minutes. No wonder she is isolated. I wonder how am I going to spend the rest of the year in here especially after knowing the fact that my parents won't return home for the next 2 months!

I was hoping someone might at least bother talking to me after break, but no, they haven't. Now I'm starting to think they are all dumb to examine it practically, I poke a guy next to me on his shoulder and ask his name "Zealot" he answers sweetly his lips widen to form a hole on either side of his cheek. I've always heard people say that guys with dimples are adorable but looking at him makes me want to smack those liars he has a pimply face and a blunt nose that extends and recoils as he sets his lips back to normal he would probably be the last guy I would choose to date. "Nice" I utter, expecting him to continue the conversation.

"So you are the new girl right?"

Duh! I speak in a high tone although I don't mean to be mean, I seriously don't. It's just how I speak at times but he really didn't need to state the obvious. I suppose I was right about the part of them being dumb, mentally.

The next thing he says makes me regret what I thought minutes back "So you want to come by my house this afternoon? I could teach you Chemistry if you want"

"Umm nope, thank you though I'm planning to drop it either way but that was really thoughtful of you" ok I lied! I didn't mean to upset him since he is the only sweet one in here but I barely know him besides he is a guy! Mom would probably have slaughtered me if she would find me with him, despite the fact that he is JUST my friend.

"You are a smart girl I thought you would say that" He replies, still keeping up with his pleasant tone.

"Well thank you and you are smart enough to handle situations" Somehow he sounds like a nicer person to talk to now. I was always riled by the quote "Never judge a book by its cover" but now I think I could finally apply it on someone.

Huh! He chuckles; "you would make a great friend"

"I know I just kept wondering why you weren't, I mean anyone wasn't willing to talk to me is that how you people welcome a new comer?"

"Well, yes I guess they just expect you people to talk to them they are built with a lot of ego you know that's just how they are"

"So why didn't you talk to me? You mean you have ego too?"

"Excuse me?"

"I think it's girly when a guy has ego"

"No! Of course not! I am very welcoming I just thought you would prefer it best being alone" He replies too offended.

"Don't judge a book by its cover"

"Exactly" he utters giving me a cunning smile as though he has read my mind earlier. My jaw drops wide open how could he have known what I was thinking? Has he been reading my thoughts the whole time? Luckily our conversation is concluded by the bell it is time for me to leave. I rush out of the door before he speaks to me again.

"Nancy! Hey wait!" He yells but I manage to diffuse into the crowd

As I walk down the hallway the conversation keeps playing over and over on my mind. He was awkwardly awesome I mean, no one ever complimented me before. Maybe I was wrong about those people maybe; they are as awesome as he is. I think I should have hung out with ...... BANG!

Ouch! My nose just experienced a crack "O my god! Are you alright?" An erect girl about 4 inches taller than me pulls me up "Yah I'm fine Thank you" I am not sure what exactly hit me so hard but I feel really embarrassed.

"Hi! I'm Selma Blaigh is this your first day?" she continues without waiting for a reply.

"Well yah I'm Nancy, Nancy Carter"

"It's so nice to meet you Nancy" she says stretching her hands up to give me a handclasp. She looks like a typical New York girl that everyone would love and a look at her white T-shirt "I love New York" confirms it all.

"It's been a week I am here I've been hit by this diaphanous glass door too on my first day, so I could guess you are new by the way, which grade you must be in?" This girl talks too much, I think but I like how smoothly she converses.

"Nine and you?"

"Same! Well, looks like we are mates then! How cool is that!

I nod, picking up the piles of book that is knocked down she helps herself pick them up too. According to movies the logic says if you have bumped into a guy and he helps you collect your books he is probably going to be your boyfriend to the further story. Unfortunately, since it is a girl in my case, I was hoping she turns out to be my best friend. Besides she is new too this perfectly means she has got no friend...

"Hi Selma" A stout girl who looks so much the opposite of Selma speaks, interrupting my thought. OH NO! This must be her best friend.

"Hi Alivia!" This is Nancy; she is new, just like we are.

"Ow hello there!" she says allowing her invisible lips to speak she has a tanned complexion and is apparently an Indian. This can't be happening I tell myself. There is no way I am going to let this deformed flesh barren my friendship with Selma. Why would Selma even like her? She is detestable! But complaining about her won't fix the past of course so I turn my back, pull the door open and walk my way alone, back home. They probably think I am a psycho but that doesn't bother me anymore because I know Selma is not going to be my best friend anyway.

Once I am back in my dimly lit room I hop onto my bed that is camouflaged to the corner most coffee -wall and begin to complete my homework I don't want to be put into detention again it would total ...... HEY wait! O my god! I just missed my first detention which was supposed to be held after class, Ow no! Now I'll be charged two more days of detention! Great! My life is officially over!" 

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