Chapter 1: On My Mind

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  • Dedicated to Jennifer Pinto

HI! Thanks for choosing to read my stories. Please keep in mind that these fanfictions are not related in any shape or fom to the real band, band members, families, friends, girlfriends, or any of the affiliates. These stories are originally written by me as a method of art, and creativity for you all to enjoy. Made with love & respect for 1D, & Directioners :D  Please make sure to cast your VOTE & COMMENT become a FAN & SHARE the story.

Thank you,

Evetzie B. xxx

Author of She's Not Afraid: A Harry Styles Fanfic by Evetzie Berrios

Chapter 1: On My Mind


Long brunette waves fell around her framing her beautiful face. Her smile lit up the whole room. She was dancing to the beat of every song, singing along to every word of the lyrics as she knew them by heart. Her hazel eyes glimmering as the lights changed around the place. Dancing along with her friends in the spot she was in, living in the moment. Yeah she pretty much was a striking beauty.

“I can’t let her get away from me” I heard myself think out loud back in reality as I fixed my curly hair away from my face as I fixed it where it needs it to be. As I intertwined my hands in front of my chin, as my eyes deeply stared straight at the three couples in front of me. There was Louis and Eleanor, Liam and Danielle, and lastly Zayn and Perrie. I couldn’t believe how all three of my band mates Louis, Liam, Zayn had found three amazing girls and that they were in a relationship that have lasted for so long.

While my other band mate Niall, and I we were the only ones that were usually single. Well you can say I have had my fair share of girls but they have been nothing compared to the relationships these other lads were having. Theirs lasted, and were real long lasting relationships, and I don’t think I remember when the last time I really had one was. That’s until I met a lovely girl a couple of days ago her name is Jade, and my heart seems on not letting her go. I haven’t been able to really see her a lot with all touring and everything; the funny thing is that’s exactly how we met. And ever since then she has been on my mind taking over it slowly.

Suddenly I heard a crunching sound of someone munching on some crisps, as the young blonde lad with big blue eyes sat in front of me nodding his head “What’s up mate?”  as he grinned at me with his brand new pearly white smile. Niall used to wear braces and he just recently took them off so his smile was the best one out of the whole group right now. “I need to see her again, Niall” I responded to him. “Who?” he sounded lost. “Jade, you know the girl I have been telling you all about.” I reminded him as my hands ran up and down in front of my face trying to get her off of my thoughts. “Oh yeah yeah yeah I remember who you’re talking about, the one that we met that day backstage. She’s very pretty girl.” he says as he fixed himself straight in the couch facing me, still eating half of what was left of the bag.

“I just don’t know what to do man, I feel like every time I told her how I feel she says it's not real and  she just closes the door without giving me a chance.” I look up at Niall with a frustrated look in my face. “Well don’t be so harsh on yourself mate maybe she does but if all her friends have told her, to not get to close its not like your easy too handle Hazz. You know maybe they think that you’re just going break her heart” as he bit on another one of his crisps. “Yeah your probably right, since when did you become so smart” I asked sarcastically. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m always smart. I know my way with women.” he winked as he laughed. I shook my head once more fixing my hair again as I swooped my hand over them, it’s kind of a constant habit of mine. I got up and searched up her name in my contacts and send her a text

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