Chapter 8

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McGee's POV

McGee: "Gibbs wants us to widen the search"

Bishop: "by how much"

McGee: "40 to 45 feet"

Bishop: "feet!"

Tony: "we don't have all day forty feet will take us all the way to those warehouses"

McGee: "that's the point Abby found out the victim was hit with a bullet from a sniper riffle so we have to widen the search"

Bishop: "I'll take the warehouse"

Tony: "the warehouse is tiny you'll be out of there in twenty minutes at most"

Bishop: "exactly have fun"

Me and Tony made our way to the office building that Abby said the shooter could have been in

McGee: "there's got to be over a hundred offices in here"

Tony: "probably why Bishop chose the warehouse"

McGee: "I'll take the bottom floors you go to the roof"

Tony: "I would but the elevator isn't working"

McGee: "this is an abandoned building"

Tony: "well done McObvious"

McGee: "how about you take the stairs"

Tony: "or how about we both go to the roof cause we are most likely to find something quicker"

McGee: "good idea"

Tony: "if I was Gibbs I would so head slap you right now"

McGee: "please don't"

Tony: "you should just be lucky I'm in a good mood today"

We walked all the way up to the roof checking the hallways on our way up, I got my phone out and called Bishop to see if she found anything

Bishop: "Bishop"

McGee: "you got anything"

Bishop: "not yet  what about you guys"

McGee: "I can't see anything"

Tony: "McGoo get over here"

McGee: "hang on Bishop Tony might have something"

I walked over to the other side of the roof to where Tony was standing

McGee: "what you got"

Tony: "look"

McGee: "there's nothing there"

Tony: "exactly"

McGee: "am I meant to know what that means"

Tony: "there's dust lines meaning someone was here but moved everything"

McGee: "we might be able to get shoe prints from the dust"

Tony: "see where I'm going with this"

McGee: "Bishop Tony found something get over here"

Bishop: "on my way"

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