Chapter 9

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The picture at the top is just a really random lock screen I made when I got bored.

This note is gonna be really random because it's the summer holidays and all my friends live like 20 minutes away from me so I can't tell them really random stuff anyway I was watching the 5x14 episode Internal Affairs the other day for like the millionth time (the one where Tony tells Jeanne he never loved her) cause it's my favourite one (along with 3x09 Frame Up) and anyway I said all the words to the episode along with the actors and my family are really concerned about me now and my dad said he regrets getting me technology to watch NCIS on cause I make everyone in my house watch it like 24/7 and like only one other TV show is on in our house (Agent Carter) at the moment cause there is no good TV on until all the new seasons of shows start in September.

Ok really random note over now the chapter which will be really short and random.

Ziva's POV

Ziva: "how's the case going"

Tony: "it's hard"

Ziva: "when isn't a case hard, tell me about it"

Tony: "well this woman was shot by a sniper and when we got to where the sniper was the sniper nest had been cleaned up so all we had to work with was dust, we went to the victims apartment and it had been robbed plus a witness didn't tell us that they gave the victim CPR so we are looking for a weapon, evidence, a killer, a lying witness and a robber"

Ziva: "that is confusing"

Tony: "any insight"

Ziva: "well you've obviously checked security tapes and looked for blood spatter, DNA and evidence"

Tony: "Gibbs would murder us if we didn't"

Ziva: "have you tried getting McGee to hack into the witnesses phone and trace the last places this person has been"

Tony: "that's illegal without a warrant"

Ziva: "not the first time McGee's illegally hacked into something"

Tony: "even if we did that we can't pin point where any of these people will be"

Ziva: "it's worth a try"

Tony: "I can tell you worked at NCIS once"

Ziva: "everyone who has worked with Gibbs would suggest that"

Tony: "true"

Ziva: "you know Abby has spent so her free time in the lab with Caitlin"

Tony: "that doesn't surprise me"

Ziva: "you know those blue paper hats Ducky wears"

Tony: "yes"

Ziva: "Abby decorated one and Caitlin wears it all the time in Abby's lab"

Tony: "Abby did that to Kate once, it was some massive scam to get money out of McGee"

Ziva: "sounds like you lot had fun"

Tony: "ancient history"

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