Chapter 2

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Tahlia'a POV:

"What the fuck was that!?" My father screamed in my face once I shut to door. I looked down at my feet, not knowing what to say. "Answer me!" He yelled, before his knuckles made contact with my face, getting me straight in the eye. I clutched it as the pain ran throughout my face, I could already feel the headache coming on.

"I-it was an a-accident" I stuttered, finding the courage to look into his cold, grey eyes. I knew I didn't have his eyes, I had my mothers. My golden eyes that held so much pain, were from my mother. Of course the pain was brought onto me, not her.

"Don't give me that!" He yelled. "Did you listen to a thing I said to you in the car?!". I nodded my head. "Then what is that!? God your a worthless piece of crap!" He yelled before walking out of the room. There it was, always the 'your worthless' or some other horrible thing he would call me. I sighed and walked up the stairs to my room. I slowly closed the door, locking it again. I felt the unwanted tears shred down my face as I neared my bed. I threw myself onto it and started sobbing loudly. Why did I have to be born? No body needs me! I'm just pathetic. My father is right! In worthless!

I slid off of the bed trying to calm myself and stuck my had under the bed, trying to look for what I wanted. I felt my fingertips brush up against it causing me to lean more under the bed, I reached the object and pulled it out. I small smile spread across my face, tears still rushing down as I looked at the purple box, decorated with glitter and paint. The messy writing on the top that I was just able to read; 'Tahlia's memories'. I slowly opened the lid, feeling more tears fall quickly down my cheeks. There was a small photo frame of me and my mother, she stood in a beautiful dress as her long hair flowed over her shoulders, her golden eyes just like I had said. In her arms, wrapped in a blanket she held me, only a few weeks old. I smiled, my tear drops falling onto the glass. I went through other photos of my mother only making me more emotional.

It got to the point where I couldn't take anymore and stacked the photos back into the box, shoving it back under the bed. I laid myself on my bed and wiped away the remainder of tears. Why must my life be so complicated? I felt my eyes beginning to droop and excepted the fact I was going to fall asleep. Sleep, the only place I could escape my troubles.

Harry's POV:

I watched as the tall figure, I'm guessing her father, dragged away the beautiful girl from me. I think she said her name was Tahlia? A flash of worry and scare spread across her face but she quickly hid it. I stared at her confused, suddenly feeling the need to protect her, but I didn't move. She glanced back at me giving me a pleading expression, as if asking for help. At that moment I knew something was wrong, her golden eyes were hiding something from the world, and I was determined to find out what.

I quickly grabbed a few random things, chucking them into the trolley and pushed it over to the check out. I tapped my foot impatiently as I watched the lady scan the food. She finally finished as I handed her a $50 bill and ran out of the store without taking back my change. I loaded my black range rover with the groceries and slid into the drivers side. I turned on the ignition and reversed out of the car park, speeding back to my flat. After soon arriving to my flat, from dodging cars and speeding traffic lights - I know, not very good. I grabbed the bags from the boot and ran into the house. I ran past the kitchen, dumping the bags onto the marble bench before running into the lounge and dumping myself onto the couch. I slipped out my phone from my back pocket and dialled my best friend, Louis's number.

"Ello?" Louis answered.

"Louis, are the boys with you?" I asked hopeful.

"Yeah they're at mine... Why?" He asked.


"Good, can you come to my flat?" I asked again hopeful. Louis sighed.

"Fine, be there in 10" he replied before hanging up. I let out a relieved sigh and laid back into the couch. I needed to see this girl again, and I had a feeling the boys could help me.


Hello! Okay so something happened with the chapters and I had to write this one again :c sorry! It a bit changed up though... Hope you enjoyed! BYEE!

~kels xx

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