Chapter 16

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Harry’s POV:

I kissed her.

And she kissed me back. I could count as one of the happiest guys on the planet in this moment right now. I smiled to myself as I walked down the stairs where the guys were sat on the couch.

“Why are you so happy?” Zayn smirked. I shrugged.

“No reason” I smiled even wider. Of course, my smile gave it away. I don’t know why I kissed her; it just felt like the thing to do. Yes we’ve known each other for barely a week but I feel as if I have a connection with her. There’s always that little spark whenever she’s around.

“No” Louis said shuffling over towards me “there is something your hiding”. His eyes narrowed at me and he pointed his finger at me. My eyes flicked around the room awkwardly as I bit my lip. “I know that look! There is something!” he yelled, smiling.

“What look?!” I questioned my voice not as confident as before. I knew exactly what I was talking about, whenever something was awkward or I wasn’t telling the truth, my eyes would always twitch and I would chew on my bottom lip.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about! Look, you’re doing it again!” he teased. I nudged past him, but couldn’t help the smile from widening on my face. His deep chuckle behind me told me he was following me. I walked into the kitchen and headed straight for the fridge. Food seems like the most amazing this on this planet right now. I grabbed an apple, throwing it in the air before catching it again and taking a bite out of it. I shut the fridge door and walked back into the lounge where all the boys sat, staring at the TV. I sat next to Liam and leaned back. My mind slipped from the TV and thoughts of Tahlia flooded my mind.

Tahlia’s POV:

I sat up straight, my heart thumping so fast I could hear its beats ring in my ear. I clutched my chest as I looked around the dark room. The room became more familiar before I remembered where I was. My eyes filled with tears, but I didn’t try and stop them, no by now I was used to the tears and the constant ache in my chest. I buried my head in my hands and quietly let out small sobs.

Why did this have to happen to me? Why did that horrid man have to stalk my dreams and make me feel like life had no escapes? I could feel the knots in my hair but I didn’t care. I slid my legs over the bed and walked towards the bathroom. I opened the door and turned on the light to be met by a small, fragile girl staring back at me. Her mascara was running down her cheeks and her tank top was pulled half way up her stomach messily. Her hair showed how she tossed around in her sleep. That girl was me.

I pulled down my shirt and slowly walked over to the sink where a bag of toiletries sat. I tipped out all of the supplies and stared at them. A small brush was what my eyes laid on first. I grabbed it and started tearing through the knots, making my hair back to its smooth and soft self. My dark hair flowed freely down my back as I gently ran the brush through it. I put the brush back into the bag, not taking my eyes off of my reflection. My hand searched around for an object until it landed on a small bag of wipes. I let my eyes fall to the green little bag and pulled out the cloth. I brought it to my face and slowly slid the cloth under my eyes, removing the drained mascara. By now I looked like a normal girl, with a normal life. But don’t let the eyes fool you. Because even I know, inside of that ‘normal’ looking girl, she’s truly crushed. Crushed so much she doesn’t know what to do with her life. My eyes trailed from my face and back down to the scattered items that sat on the counter. My eyes landed on the pink razor.

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