Chapter 25

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Tahlia's POV:

We pulled up on the side of the road, no other cars around us. I frowned and looked around confused. "You're not ditching me on the side of the road are you?" I joked. He turned to me with raised eyebrows.

"Wouldn't dream of it" he smirked, I smiled and rolled my eyes playfully. "We just have to walk the rest of the way" he said before jumping out of the car. I followed his actions and hoped out of the vehicle. Harry walked over to my side and locked the car before gesturing for me to follow him. I nodded and ran up to his side as we walked on a stone filled path. His hand brushed across mine sending a shot of excitement up my arm.

Spending too much time focused on what was sparking up my arm, I didn't notice we stopped. My head snapped up and I almost dropped to my knees. My eyes scanned the view as I looked over London...again. It reminded me of the time Harry took me to the rooftop of that restaurant, only this time there was no buildings, no cars and no roads, just a grassy field with a drop off letting you see the beautiful city.

Little patches of flowers were spread along the grass as I walked. Each step I took little butterflies would fly out from their hiding places and fly off into the distance. A smile slowly grew onto my face as I continued walking. I could sense Harry behind me, keeping his distance but also watching out for me. I quickly turned on my heel with a wide grin and ran to the curly haired boy, wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging his tightly.

"It's beautiful Harry!" I squealed. He chuckled and hugged me tight.

"I'm glad you like it" I could hear the smile in his voice, making my heart melt.

"How did you find this place?" I asked, pulling away. The smile was replaced with a smirk.

"I have my ways, but many people don't even know this place exists so there's not many people here. So I thought why not?" he smiled again. I smiled back and let my hands fall from his neck. "C'mon, let's go sit down" he smiled, taking my hand in his and pulling me gently. I followed and sat next to him. But instead of sitting, I simply moved and laid down, using Harry's leg as a pillow. "Comfy enough?" he chuckled. I laughed and nodded.

"Yes, you have a very comfortable leg" I said in a posh accent. He just smiled and shook his head.

He quickly flicked his hair messily and looked down at me. I peered up at him in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, more of a comfortable silence. I let my eyes fall and look at the flowers next to my head. My hand reached for it and began picking at the petals. It reminded me of myself.

A bright, new flower brought to life in this world, then slowly being torn apart day by day, then to be left for dead. And if I hadn't of met Harry, I would be that poor, dead, wilted flower. I sighed and threw the flower onto the ground. "What are you thinking about?" Harry's voice floated through my ears. I felt him playing with my hair and running his fingers through it gently. It felt relaxing in a way I couldn't describe.

"Life" I said simply. His hand brushed across my forehead, pushing back all of the lose strands of hair. "I hate it" I sighed again.

"You only hate it because you've only experienced the worst of it. But, now that we've gotten rid of the old bastard, we can show you the best of life" he smiled down at me. A small smile curved my lips. We stayed in silence for a few moments before he spoke again. "It was your father wasn't it?" his voice had softened and became quieter the more he spoke about it. I nodded, trying to keep myself from tearing up.

"I don't get it Harry, I mean seriously. Families are meant to be there for you and love you, but ever since I was 3 my father just abused me. Father's aren't supposed to do that Harry, they're supposed to protect you, take you to your friend's house, and most of all love you. I grew up with none of that, instead the complete opposite" my voice cracked at the end as a tear slid down my cheek. His thumb slid across my cheek, wiping away the tear before it fell.

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