Chapter 27

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Tahlia's POV:

"YOU SPILLED IT ON ME!" I screamed with a shocked expression. I watched that same smirk pull on his lips as he glanced at me then back down to the pasta sauce. "That's not funny!" I scolded, pointing at finger at him. He chuckled quietly but didn't speak. I let out a sigh as I tried to remove the sauce from myself. I looked back up and was met with those sparkling, green eyes. "I'll get my revenge, when you aren't expecting it!" I glared. He let out a laugh and turned on the stove before leaving it to warm. He approached me and slid his arms around my waist, smirking.

"I'd like to see you try" his voice was full of amusement and a flash of playfulness buzzed through his eyes. I stepped forward, pressing our bodies together and stood on my toes so I was at least near his height.

"Oh, I don't need to try" I smirked, my voice sounding seductive. His chest rumbled and he sucked in a sharp breath. I trailed my fingertips down his tense chest and down to his pocket jeans, sticking my fingers in them. "Would I?" I asked, tilting my head slightly to the side. My face was inches from his and as much as I tried teasing him, I couldn't help but realise I was teasing myself as well. My heart was thumping against my chest and I felt as if my stomach was on fire. He bit his lip, blocking out any uncontrolled sounds and stared at me intensely.

My smirk became wider as I pushed him away and turned on my heels, swaying my hips purposely. I heard a quiet moan before walking out of the room. Zayn and Louis were both sitting on the couch, their eyes glued to the TV. "Hey guys!" I chirped, acting like nothing happened only seconds ago.

"Hey" they said in sync. I leant back on a chair, biting back a smile when I saw Harry's figure appear from behind the door. He leant on the door frame with his arms crossed over his head and his feet crossed at the ankles.

"Aren't you meant to be helping me?" his raspy voice ask. I glanced at him then back at the TV.

"I'm watching TV" I spoke, pointing towards the television. He glared at me before stomping over and throwing my body over his shoulder. I laughed and playfully hit his back with my fists.

"Use protection!" I heard Louis shout from the lounge making the heat rise to my cheeks. I only laughed harder though. He walked us into the kitchen before setting me down on my feet again. His eyes narrowed as he stared at me. I smiled innocently, making him shake his head and chuckle.

"You're a tease" he mumbled and walked past me. I smirked, knowing I had that effect on him would come to a lot of use. That meaning I could blackmail him. I sat on the counter and dangled my legs off the side. "I never knew you had that side to you" Harry spoke up, glancing at me with a smirk firmly on his lips. I shrugged.

"There's a lot of things you don't know yet" I smirked back. He wanted to play this game, he doesn't know what's coming. I watched his eyebrows twitch up.

"Yet?" His eyes flicked to me then back down to the large saucepan. I nodded my head. His smirk was replaced by a full grown smile. He turned off the stove and walked over to me, standing right against my legs. "Well then, I'll just have to wait won't I?" I giggled and shook my head.

"Nah, maybe you won't find out after all" I shrugged, pretending to look at my nails.

"Is that right?" he asked with raised eyebrows. I nodded again. "Mhm, then you just won't find out anything from me" he said with a diva look and copied my actions by pretending to look at his nails. I laughed and pushed him away, hoping down from the bench.

"Is the spaghetti ready?" I asked, looking at the pasta and sauce. He nodded and grabbed 6 sets of bowls, setting them out on the bench and filling them all with the food. My stomach grumbled at the sight as I licked my lips. Harry turned to me with an amused expression.

"Someone's hungry!" he exclaimed, passing me a bowl. I nodded and stared hungrily at the food in my hands. "Foods ready!" Harry called unexpectedly. I jumped slightly but relaxed straight after. Four pairs of feet were soon heard padding against the tile covered floor and soon those four boys appeared in the kitchen. They all reached for the food while Harry and I walked into the lounge and sat on the couch.

"Thanks for dinner" I smiled, and shoved spaghetti in my mouth. Harry chuckled at the sight of me and did the same.

"No problem" he shrugged with a mouth full of food. I slapped him playfully on the arm.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you to swallow before you speak?" I joked. He hung his head, acting like a 5 year old.

"Sorry" he mumbled and pouted. I laughed and shoved his arm playfully.

"You are an idiot" I laughed. He shot his hand up in the air and stopped me.

"Woah, woah... woah. Hold up, I'm not an idiot. I'm a sexy idiot" he smirked and winked at me. I threw my head back and laughed at his stupidity, and of course just himself being himself. After eating, I dumped my bowl on the small coffee table and laid myself down on the couch, leaning my head on Harry's legs. Yeah, weird. But I was tired so don't judge me. I let out a yawn and closed my eyes. "Tired?" I heard his voice seep through my ears. I nodded, keeping my eyes shut. "Let's get you to bed, love". I felt my body being lifted by strong arms, my head was nuzzled into Harry's chest. I could feel him walking us up the stairs by the way we fell in a sort of pattern. Soon enough, I felt the warmth and comfort of my own bed. I smiled and stretched my arms out.

I could feel Harry's arms slid out from under my body and try leave, but I quickly opened my eyes and reached for his wrist. His head turned to me, his eyes shone in the moon light that entered the room through the window to the left of the room. "Don't leave" I mumbled, closing my eyes again. Harry chuckled lightly and took my hand in his, playing with my fingers.

"Tahl-" he started but I cut him off.

"Please?" I begged, my voice pleading. I heard him sigh before his hand left mine. I presumed he'd left the room until I felt a warm body slid in next to mine. I smiled and turned to face him, his head leant on the pillow, his eyes never leaving me. I watched his eyes travel over my face a million times, before a smile grew onto his face.

"Did anyone tell you how beautiful you are?" I smiled, lucky it was dark otherwise he'd see how red my cheeks are. I shook my head slightly. "That's a shame," he spoke, opening his arms for me to scoot closer, I did so and snuggled into his chest, his warmth radiating off of him "because you deserve to be told the truth" his last words made my heart throb and my chest gooey inside. Quietly I said a small thank you but it came out more as a mumble. I felt my eyes droop and fell into an unconscious sleep.


HOPE YOU LIKED IT!! :D Yaaaay, update! :P Sorry, school's just started again and I've been pretty busy ): I hate school... ANYWAY BUT LIKE GUYS, PINEAPPLE TOLD ME HE LOVED ME TODAY! AND WAS HUGGING ME AND ALL THAT CUTE SHIT AND HE KISSED ME ON THE CHEEK BUT WE LIKE ARENT EVEN DATING?!? Boys are so confusing... its like worse than period mood swings! xD

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