Chapter 24

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Harry's POV:

Okay, she comes home today. She's going to be safe. Nothing's going to happen to her. I continued to repeat those words in my head, trying to make the ones from yesterday's events disappear. I sighed when I pulled up next to the hospital. I guess it's not that easy forgetting that you almost killed a man. Jogging up the steps to the 3rd floor, I stopped outside of Tahlia's room. Knocking quietly, I opened the door slowly to see her staring at the TV, and as soon as I found out why she was so intrigued, my whole body froze.

"A man's body was found in a small home in London, police say the man was not dead, but unconscious. He was taken to a nearby hospital with major injuries. Police are investigating further" the news reporter spoke as they showed footage of Tahlia's dad being wheeled away into an ambulance. Frustrated, I reached for the remote and switched off the television. I turned to Tahlia and let out a sigh.

I walked over to her bed and sat myself on the side of it, my head facing her. She flashed me a small smile, her eyes dropping to her fiddling fingers. I've realised how she's always done it in an awkward situation. "Are you keen to get out of here?" I chuckled. Tahlia's smile widened and her eyes met mine.

"More than happy, the food here is terrible!" she said, raising her hands in the air and scrunching up her nose. I smiled, she looked cute when she did that... hell she looked cute anytime.

"Good, cause you're coming home with me!" I said, standing. She opened her mouth to protest but I cut her off. "No excuses, especially that crappy 'I'm invading your space' one" I winked. A small smile tugged at her lips before she stood slowly and carefully and wrapped her arms around me. Her head leant on my chest, causing my heart rate to speed immensely. Instinctively, my arms slid around her waist and I ducked my head to lean on hers.

"Thank you, again" she smiled, peering up at me.

"Anytime" I smiled, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. Her eyes were closed when I pulled back until they fluttered open and I've never seen such happiness in her eyes. They danced with joy, happiness and... Love? I felt my chest warm at that. She looked down at our feet as I played with her small hands at our sides. "Are you ready to leave?" I finally spoke. She nodded and cautiously walked over to her small cupboard next to the bed and opened the doors. She pulled out an old, white bag and turned to me.

"Just let me get changed" I nodded and watched her disappear into the bathroom. A couple of minutes later she came out in some tight skinny jeans and a loose tank.

"Who gave you the clothes?" I questioned.

"The nurse" she shrugged. "They were apparently her daughters' old clothes and gave them to me. It was kind of weird but generous" she smiled and held the bang in her hands. The bruises were still evident on her figure and but her cuts were becoming scabs, a good sign she was healing. The cast on her left arm was only pure white. "Ready?"

"Not yet. Come here" I gestured with my hand for her to come over and sit on the bed with me. She did what she was told and sat down next to me. I held out my hand for her arm. "Give me your arm" I ordered, taking a pen out of my pocket. She laughed lightly and leaned her arm on my leg. Scribbling down something, I smirked when she smiled and read it out loud.

"I love Harry so much, he's a babe! Xoxo" She laughed and raised an eyebrow at me. I pretended to be shocked and put a hand on my heart.

"Aw, you do?" I cooed, pinching her cheek lightly. She swatted my hand away and laughed harder.

"Stop making me laugh!" She complained. I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Why not?"

"Because it hurts!" she groaned. I looked down at my hands and bit my gums. It was hurting her... and I was the cause of that. I bit back the anger directed towards myself and looked back up to face Tahlia. Realisation spread across her face and she crawled closer to me. "No, no, no. Not like that Harry, I just meant I was laughing too hard, that's all" She tried to calm me. I looked away from her and out the window, my breathing was heavy. You'd probably think I'm being stupid don't you? Well if you cared for this girl as much as I do you would understand.

Her hands cupped my face and she turned my head to look at her. Her eyes flickered over my face. "I'm sorry" I said quietly. She frowned and scrunched her nose up.

"Why are you saying sorry? You've done nothing wrong! Listen to me when I tell you that, okay?" I nodded and she let her hands slowly fall from my face. "Good, let's go" she sighed and stood. She took my hand in hers with a smile, receiving a smile back and walked me out of the room to the reception desk. Finally sorting out the payment and checking Tahlia out from the hospital, we were able to go.

Hand in hand we walked to my car and jumped in. I started the car and reversed out of the parking spot before heading in the direction of Tahlia's house. She tensed up beside me once she noticed where we were going and turned to me. "Harry, where are we going?" her voice was shaky and full of fear.

"Just going to pick up your shopping bags, then I'm taking you somewhere" I smiled. She sighed in relief and then turned to me again with a slight frown.

"Why are you taking me somewhere?"

"Because you, love" I glanced at her and poked the tip of her nose "need to get away from the world" I smiled. It's true, this girl was too cramped up in a cruel, unloving world to know what was really out there. She needs to see how much life is worth living, but she'll never learn without a teacher and that's why I'm here.

I saw her smile from the corner of eye and look down at her hands. I smiled and pulled on my ray bands before turning the radio up full blast and winding down the windows and sunroof. Tahlia gazed up in amazement before unbuckling her seat belt without taking her eyes off the sunroof and stood slowly. Her head popped out of the sunroof window and I watched in amusement as she lifted her arms up and let the wind soar through her hair. She threw her head back and let out a loud laugh. I smiled and shook my head.

She sat back down in her seat with a big grin on her face. "That was amazing!" She exaggerated, laughing. I laughed with her.

"You're crazy" I teased. She smirked.

"But I'm sexy as well" she winked and laughed afterwards. I smiled widely and chuckled. As badly as I wanted to say out loud that I agreed with her, I didn't. Awkward isn't the best feeling I want right now. We pulled up outside of the house and both sat in silence, staring at it.

"I'll go get them" I insisted unbuckling my seat belt. She nodded and looked out the other window, I could see the tears building up in her eyes and quickly ran over to the house, if anything we needed to get away from here. I opened the still unlocked door slowly, peering inside the bags were now neatly placed to the side, easy for me to grab. Picking them up, I quickly slammed the door shut and jogged to the car. I stuffed the bags in the back and jumped into the driver's side before flooring it down the street. I glanced at Tahlia to see a tear slid down her cheek. I took her hand in mine and rubbed smooth circled on the top of my hand with my thumb. "Hey, why are you crying?" I asked, stupidly. I removed my clasp on her hand and wiped away her falling tear.

"I can't stand that place, there's too many... bad memories there, and I hate it" I nodded understandingly.

"You won't have to go back there anymore love, I promise" I soothed her and smiled lightly. She wore a small smile and wiped her eyes. "Now, to our escape!" I joked causing her to laugh lightly. I smiled hearing her laugh, it was like an angel's voice.


Aw, cute cute cute cute! TOO MUCH CUTENESS! ARGH! FEELS! FANGIRL ATTACK! WHO'S GOING TO FANGIRL WITH ME!?!? GAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'M SO DONE! Hope you enjoyed! Wait, tbh... I am so excited for the next chapter! ^.^ So many Tarry feels next chapter just ugh. Couples and cuteness and I want my pineapple ): Bye! Xx

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