Chapter 6

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Harry's POV:


"Calm down!"

"We'll find her!"

The boys shouted at me as I paced the room. We were currently sitting in our recording studio, but my mind was somewhere else causing me to get the lyrics wrong multiple times. Eventually the staff just gave up and told us that we'll do it next week. So of course, I only became more anxious.

"It's only a girl Harry, come on!" I heard Zayn's voice echo through my ears. I froze, standing still on the spot. My back faced the boys as my breathing became heavier. I felt the frown melt onto my face as I turned around to face him. I stomped towards my band mate, who was sitting on the couch almost looking as if he regretted what he said.

"First off, She is not an it! She is a her! Secondly, she's not only a girl! I don't get this anxious over find a girl! Thirdly, if you have a problem with that then why are you still here!? If you EVER call her an 'it' again, I don't know what I'll do but there won't always be someone there to stop me!" My voice boomed with anger as I stared at a shocked Zayn.

"I'm sorry mate, I didn't know it was that much of a deal for you" He said as my breathing slowed. My eyes narrowed at him as I turned and walked out of the room.



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