Part Two

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~Next Day At School~
I rushed to my first class, not wanting to be tardy on a Monday. We were supposed to have a substitute teacher today, because Mrs. Miracle had to leave to have her baby. As I ran through the door, I ran smack dab into the substitute teacher. I fell down flat on my butt. He looked around with a look of confusion and amusement, saying, "Who did that?"

(Richard (Slenderman))
I looked around amused, asking the students, "Who did that?" I looked down at my feet, seeing a small girl with brown hair hiding her face. "Hi there," I said as kindly as I could, holding out that days' worksheet for her to take. She looked up at me with red cheeks, and I felt my heart stop. Those eyes. I'd recognize those eyes anywhere. And that face, it was all too familiar. She looked exactly like her father. "What's your name sweetie?" I asked, kneeling down to her height.

She murmured something under her breath before lifting her head and repeating louder, "My name is Mist." There we have it. This was Masky's daughter for sure. Sure it's been six years since I saw her be born, but I'd recognize her father's face anywhere.

"Allix," I called, listening to her walk over to me. I stared at her, saying, "Go get your father, tell him I need his help." She nodded briskly, smiling and skipping off down the hall. I sat with Mist, allowing the class to play around behind me. I was waiting for Allix to get back with her father.

Within minutes, Allix came running back in with her dad on her tail. I looked up at him, saying, "Brian, look who I found!" Mist's face got red as she looked up at Hoodie, and I watched his reaction. He gasped and stared in awe, the same reaction I would have given if it wasn't for me needing to keep a professional stance. "Hi there," Mist whispered, hugging her knees. Hoodie waved slowly, as speechless as I felt. It was truly amazing, how much she looked like her father.

I wanted to smile and cry happy tears of joy, I wanted to wrap her in my arms and never let her go. Hoodie, Toby, and Masky were like my sons. It felt as if I was seeing my grandchild for the first time. But I couldn't, I promised Masky I'd leave him and (y/n) alone, let him lead his own life with his family. I wasn't going to break my promise to him.

Letting out a sigh, I looked up at Hoodie and shook my head, mouthing the words I promised. He nodded, looking away from Mist and at his own daughter. Not birth daughter, she just started to follow Hoodie around a few years ago. She was a homeless orphan before then.

I held out my hand to Mist, forcing myself to keep my professional persona as she rested her hand in mine. So small, so innocent. But I was going to keep my promise to Masky. I'd stay away from them. Hoodie looked down ay Allix, ruffling her hair before he left the room. Allix walked up behind Mist, saying, "Hey, you're Rosetta's friend, right? I'm supposed to be visiting you today!" Mist brightened up, smiling and pulling herself to her feet. She hugged Allix tightly, taking her by surprise as they both toppled to the ground. "Yay," Mist whispered, "I have a new friend."

Holding my breath to hold back tears, I shuffled back to my desk for the day. It was so good to see my little granddaughter after so long.

Red Wrists: Secrets up the Trick Sleeves ( Masky x Reader book 3 )Where stories live. Discover now