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It was 12:48 as I saw, checking my watch. I was hiding from the others, desperately trying to get out of the house without being spotted. I wanted to get back to mommy and daddy. The house was scary quiet, and it only felt natural to keep it that quiet. Every creek of the floorboards set me on edge. I almost felt hopeless.

That was until a cat on two legs appeared in front of me. She had golden brown fur and dark blue eyes, black replacing the whites. Holding up a finger to her lips, she whispered, "Shh, don't scream. I only came to tell you something important." I stayed quiet like she told me to. It felt oddly safe to be around her, like nothing could ever hurt me. "My name is Gaunerei," she continued, "and there's nothing to be afraid of."

"I know," I whispered, smiling at her. She tilted her head to the side, her extremely tall blue tophat looking like it was ready to fall over. Leaping towards me, her pink collared shirt brushed against me. The green tank top underneath kept clung to her torso. "How do you know I'm safe?" she asked, seemingly confused, "I mean for all you know I'm a serial killer. "

When my eyes widened, she continued, "Don't worry, you're right. I'm safe. I created you, why would I hurt you?" It was my turn to tilt my head. "I'm the hope in your heart, the thoughts in your mind. I'm the whisper of the wind and the shining of the sun. I am this world. Without me, it would not be here. You would not be here." What? That was all I could think right now. What? What?? I was so confused. She smiled at me, holding out her hand for me to take.

I was reluctant to take it, but minutes went by and she kept her pose, waiting for me to grasp her hand. Sighing in defeat, I grabbed her hand. She giggled slightly, large golden wings sprouting from her back in a shimmering light. Lifting me to her side, she said softly, "Time to go, Mist." She beat her wings, lifting her and I into the air. I blinked, and we were out of the house, right outside the window.

She began to fly upwards, up towards the sky and the clouds. How did no one see her?!? Mommy and Daddy were right below us! They didn't even look! Higher and higher we flew, until she crashed into nothingness. Nothing was there to crash into, what stopped her flight? She was staring above her, looking mournful. Still only holding me by my hand, she stared down at me as I dangled helplessly below her.

"I'm so sorry Mist," she sighed. "I thought I could come back and save you from the fate waiting for you. But apparently not." I gave her a confused looked. She simply sighed again, closing her eyes and letting go of my hand. I screamed, falling down about a foot before I clutched to the very end of her wing. I stayed there for a few seconds before falling once more.

As I fell, the sun stood behind Gaunerei. I could only see her silouette for seconds before she disappeared, and my world turned black.

I jerked awake, shaking all over. What just happened? Wasn't I just falling? Oh good, it was just a dream. I must have fallen asleep. Suddenly Ben rushed into the room, tackling me in a hug. Curious, I looked at my watch. 12:48. Impossible. He looked at me strangely, saying, "You okay Mist?"
I unclasped my hands from the fists they were in, shocked to see the golden feathers from Gaunerei's wings still in my hands. So she was real. I ran to the window, looking outside. There's mommy and daddy. But no Gaunerei in sight.

(((((Now I know this was in my Writer's Block book, but dear Zalgo I love it to death!!! You see I enjoy breaking the fourth wall and will insert myself into the stories at random times. I sort of possessed Mr. WELLDONE for a while at one point.....)))))

Red Wrists: Secrets up the Trick Sleeves ( Masky x Reader book 3 )Where stories live. Discover now