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I felt my head spinning. The blood loss was just too much. I couldn't manage to hold on much longer, let alone hold on long enough to see my beautiful daughter and amazing wife. Onyx was arguing with the three strange beings in front of my cage, not even noticing my feeble attempts to get her attention. I could finally feel the last possible drop of blood fill whatever room was left in my lungs, slowly beginning to suffocate me.

All these those times I lost (y/n), all the times I wasn't there for her when I needed to be, this was the worst. All the other times, Slender was alive. All the other times, I knew deep down that I'd come back. But Slender is gone, and I'll never come back from this. I'd end here, in the presence of Zalgo, a whore, and three god-like beings, instead of being with the people I wanted to be with most.

(Y/n), I thought to myself, a single tear rolling down my cheek, I'll miss you so much. I love you. I gasped a bit, a traumatic seisure taking over my body as it struggled for oxygen. The pain would finally go away now. The pain would finally leave.

The pain would.....



Silence. It was terrible. The sound I heard was so harsh that it had no sound at all. Masky wasn't making any noise. I slowly turned around, seeing Masky in the cell, entirely limp. Someone had to tell (y/n) what happened to him. I quickly apologized to the gods and Zalgo, explaining, "Someone is about to have an emotional breakdown and I need to go stop it before it turns to suicide!" Without another word, I teleported myself as close as I could to (y/n).

You sat close to Mist, arms wrapped around her tightly as you both sit in the back seat of Hoodie's car. An empty pit filled your heart. You were still hopeful that Masky made it out and is still alive. But second by second, your hope was growing smaller and smaller.

Suddenly, something jumped out in front of the car, causing Hoodie to slam on the breaks. As a built-in motherly instinct, you curl around Mist to save her from the impact. After a few seconds of screeching tires, you look up to see Onyx in the center of the road.

She had stains of tears running down her cheeks, her knees wobbling slightly as she made her way to the car door. Hoodie cautiously rolled down the window, muttering, "What?"

"T-Tim," she stammered, lip quivering, "T-Tim is-"

Before she had time to finish, she was ripped away from the car, flung far off by an invisible force. You look out the window to see Zalgo approaching looking victorious. He yanked the door open, making you and Mist scream in terror. Hoodie charged out of the car through his open window, pulling out his knife to attack.

But Zalgo tore Mist from your arms, tossing the cage of Ben, Allix, Rosetta, and Mitchy at Hoodie's feet. "Masky's dead now," he hissed, laughing darkly as he tightened his grip on Mist. Mist winced, making you shout in denial and jump from the torn car door in anger. "YOU LEAVE MY DAUGHTER ALONE," you screech, not sure how that sound was possible from your vocal cords. Your heart cracked a bit at the affirmation that Masky was dead, but the life of your child was in danger at the moment.

Zalgo grinned, pushing you away as he continued, "But his soul? His soul is not. Masky shall not fully be dead until his enyire bloodline is diminished!" It took you a few seconds to understand what me meant, but cold hard dread filled you when you realized it. Before anyone could react to Zalgo's words, he did as he suggested.

He squeezed. Tighter and tighter. Mist's face contorted in pain, and her mouth was open in a terrifying scream, but no sounds came out. He squeezed harder and hsrder until finally, pop!

The warm blood of your daughter splattered over you, stopping you in your tracks. Hoodie looks at you in horror with the realization, eyes wide in as much terror as you felt. Your heart became a swirling tornado of emotions, crashing through your head and destroying your mind. Anger, terror, fear, disbelief, confusion, regret, sadness..... You just couldn't believe it.

You fell to your knees, everything in your life crumbling within a few small seconds. You didn't want to believe it. She couldn't be dead! Zalgo laughed again, bowing down and wiping some of Mist's blood from your face, licking it from his fingers before disappearing into the air.


You stare down at your wrist for the longest time, holding the razor in your free hand. You've been doing this for about an hour, trying to convince yourself not to cut. It was hard, considering the following: your husband was dead, your daughter was dead, you were all alone, no one cared, your real parents were in jail, your adopted parents were also dead, and no one seemed to care. You were a no body, once again. No friends, no living family, nothing.

Sighing, you rest the razor on your wrist and drag it across. Hoodie slammed his fist against the bathroom door for the millionth time, begging for you not to cut. You ignored him, cutting a new wound for each person that died because of you. Jay, Steven, Hoodie, Slenderman-.... Masky, and now even Mist. Each cut became deeper than the last, your mind getting fuzzy and your vision fading away.

You smile slightly, wiping the tears from your eyes, sitting on the floor and looking up at the ceiling as you whisper, "I'm coming, Masky. Momma's gonna be there soon, Mist, my beautiful beautiful baby girl."

(((((*waiting patiently for people to realize that the cutting part is a nearly exact copy from a special part in another book of mine*..... *realizes no one will figure it out* Book one of this series, very first part of very first post!)))))

Red Wrists: Secrets up the Trick Sleeves ( Masky x Reader book 3 )Where stories live. Discover now