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(((((So HI! I started a new medicine today! Whipty doo! There is a pretty big chance you will either be mad or sas about the end of this, or both.)))))

Noon. I had to take it now.

I stared at the blue pill, my hand shaking. All the reports on Aderrall I've read were for normal hyper people. They all said they went from bouncy and hyper to calm and quiet. The pill does that, it forces you to focus, becoming quiet, calm, and relaxed.

None of the reports came from writers.

So I had no idea how this would effect my writing. I was a very bouncy writer. Sure I've had a few down times, but I'm a fun and happy person. I didn't want this medicine to change me.

What would my Squirrels think??? All of my bronanas and trapodils??? What would they do if my writing style changed? Would they stay by me? Questions like that bombarded my mind. I didn't want them to need me. My mom impatiently told me to take the pill, so I slowly did. It felt as if I was swallowing broken glass, as if my entire life was being bled away mere seconds after I swallowed.

I felt like crying. This pill was going to change who I was. Just because I was too hyper and my grades were below average. So what if I was a happy child? The doctors had no right to take away the one thing that made me happy! If I wanted to be weird and random and hyper, and it made me happy, what right did they have to take my happiness away? All the doctors and teachers force-feeding you information you never wanted to know, medicine you never wanted to take.

Forcing you into the skin of someone else as if who you grew up to believe you were was miles away. I didn't want to be that person.

Two hours went by and already my "surgery" was complete. Two hours on this drug and the old me was already halfway across the universe. My joy was gone. But I felt so calm and at ease. Like nothing could trouble me. I hated the feeling. Two hours and already I was someone different. I was someone I didn't want to be.

All my energy was gone. I kept typing down my current thoughts for the day, knowing that there was a chance I would never write anithing creative ever again. Even as I kept typing my thoughts, I slowly watched my creativity leave me. Sentence after sentences after sentence seemed to have less creativity than the one before it. Less individuality. Less me. A few short hours and I wasn't me anymore.

I felt so tired. So calm and relaxed like I wanted to sleep but too awake to try and close my eyes. Too awake to sleep, to evade this new me and escape into my dreams, the one place those doctors or teachers could never change.

But the doctors had medicine, and the teachers had knowledge. Both could force your mind into whatever state they pleased. They could tear your dreams to shreds and force you into nightmares you never wanted to dream.

Three hours on this drug. There was no way I could dream again. Three hours and everything changed. Three hours and they took my dreams away. I don't want to do this anymore. I want the old me back!

(((((Squirrels, I am 100% serious and scared that this might be my last thing that I ever write. Three and a half hours since I first started the medicine. It is 3:40 my time as I post this. I really hope this new medicine doesn't change me. But from what I see, it already has.)))))

Red Wrists: Secrets up the Trick Sleeves ( Masky x Reader book 3 )Where stories live. Discover now