The End of the Kingdom

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I walked around the mansion, following the soft sobs from the unknown source. It's not every day you hear someone crying in the mansion. I walked down the hall, listening to the sobs quickly turn into angered screams accompanied with crashing. Jumping in surprise, I quickened my speed and ran towards the source. As I neared, however, the screaming turned back into sobbing.

I stopped in front of the door to the mansion's library, pressing my ear against it to listen to the sobbing. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door. "Whoever's in there, you okay?" I called, the sobbing ceasing immediately after I spoke. Shuffling came from inside the room, but no voice replied. Rolling my eyes, I turned the knob and opened the door.

The books were all in order still, but the computer screen was across the room from the desk, halfway embedded into the wall. Wattpad was pulled up on the dying screen. I chuckled a bit, searching the room. "I know it's you, Jinx," I chided, smiling to myself.

After a few seconds of searching, I found Jinx beneath the desk, her knees clutched tightly against her chest and her head burried in the gap and away from my view. I sat down in front of her, whispering, "What happened kid, have another temper tantrum?" When she didn't respond, I continued, "Did one of your Squirrels unfollow you or something?"

Still no response.

I sighed, lifting her head for her to look at me. Her amethyst hair was matted against her cheeks, her emerald eyes swollen and puffy with tears. I was taken aback. I've never seen Jinx cry, she's always been a cheerful person. Her lip quivered a bit before she jerked her head out of my grasp and hid her face again. "I'm loosing it..." she muttered, her voice almost entirely muted by her knees.

"Loosing what?" I pressed.

She pointed at the computer, whispering, "M-My readers..." I narrowed my eyes in confusion, grumbling, "You're loosing readers?"

"I-I'm working my ass off to post more of my stories for them," she hissed, stumbling over her words, "b-but I lost h-half of my readers-s when i st-tarted book two..... and I l-lost half of that st-tarting book three....."

"Oh," I said in stupor, not sure what to say, "You mean that Masky x Reader you've got going?"

She nodded pathetically, continuing, "Th-the story got s-so out of control..... I-I try s-so hard to improve, b-but what's the point of updating i-if my reader keep l-leaving???" She burst into a new set of tears, falling forward and crying into my shoulder. "I-I don't know wh-what to do....."

I stared at her, letting her cry onto my jacket. Again, I've never seen Jinx this upset. Slowly, I patted her back, shifting awkwardly as she cried. What was i supposed to do? There was nothing I could do to fix this! "HEY," I shouted, making Jinx jump in surprise, "SQUIRT, GET IN HERE!" Squirt came stumbling in, smiling at me. "Yeah, Masko?"

"Do me a favor and find a way to get Jinx's readers back," I growled.

His smile spread into a wicked grin. Turning his back to me, he balled his hands into fists and started at the ceiling. "HEY ALL YOU READERS," he screamed loudly, "ALL OF YOU BETTER COME ON TO BOOK THREE! STOP LINGERING AROUND ON BOOK ONE! JINX CAN'T F***ING UPDATE WHEN SHE'S SAD LIKE THIS!"

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