Beauty Is Much More Than Just Looks.

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I knocked on the door.

Nobody answered.

Had they forgotten I was arriving? They couldn’t have, mom was gushing with excitement when I told her I was coming home. Maybe they were still sleeping.

At 2 in the afternoon? I don’t think so, said a little voice in my head. I decided to call mom; maybe they weren’t home.

“Hello?” I could hear the voice in her smile.

“Where are you guys, I’m here at the house.”

“Sweetie, you’re here already? I thought you got here tomorrow!” she squealed.

“My flight was changed, so where are you guys?” I could hear the chatter in the background.

“We’re at Martha and Luke’s place, but we’ll come home as soon as possible okay sweetie?” I shook my head even though she couldn’t see me.

“No, No mom it’s okay, I’ll just go over there if it’s alright with them?” she laughed.

“Martha and Luke would love that! Martha is gushing with excitement to see you!” I told her I would see her when I got there. The only reason I was excited to come back was to see my parents but other than that I knew I would be hell. I had no one here and I don’t intend on making any friends. Where I live is just made up of stuck up people who flaunt their money around, except my parents, and I hated that. I got back in my Range Rover, also known as my baby. It was a present from my dad when I got my license.

I was nervous. I’m afraid of what my brother might say when he sees me. He’ll never know, but ever since I was younger I’ve always looked up to him. But I know I had matured, more than I already was, and I wanted him to see me as a big girl; not as someone he would be ashamed of. Over the summer I went to my grandparents, which opened my eyes at how life really was. My grandparents live out in the middle of nowhere; the only thing you could see was the green grass and their fences. I missed that right now. The plan was for me to get away from the high tech world and figure myself out. I didn’t know I would end up falling in love with the place, I didn’t know I would rather live there than here the rest of my life. Besides my love for the outdoors I learned how to love myself, the more I did the less I started to weigh. Grammy helped me achieve my goals, without her I would be a wreck.

I knocked on the door to the Sterling’s home, it was large like all they others but this one seemed warm and inviting. “Alison! My baby, look at you so beautiful!” Mother smothered my in hugs and kisses, telling me how wonderful I looked. As a young child I was an eye pleaser, but as I grew that changed. I was never extremely fat but I wasn’t comfortable with my body like I am not, I’m skinny now. “Freckles! Come here and give me a hug!” My dad and some of my brothers friends called me Freckles, but mostly my dad. I ran to him and jumped in his arms as he twirled my around like a princess. “I missed you Freckles, so much!” I giggled. “Daddy, I was only gone three months.” His eyes widened. “Three months? Honey that’s too long! You’re never leaving the house again!” I laughed at my fathers’ silliness.

Tiny arms wrapped themselves around my leg. Thomas. “Ali, Ali, Ali!” He squealed. I picked him up and he hugged me tightly. “I missed you Tommy!” his grip grew tighter. “I missed you to sissy.” He said in his adorable baby voice. I saw Martha and Luke waiting patiently behind my parents. I set Thomas down and Martha opened her arms out wide for a hug. Martha and Luke were basically my second parents, they were childhood friends of my parents and watched us grow up. Martha and Luke have a son of their own, and my brothers’ best friend, Noah Sterling. Noah, like my brother, can be a jerk and he is most of the time but I know he has a soft spot in him somewhere. You could easily say that Noah is gorgeously handsome or insanely hot. The kids’ got looks.

“Sweetie, we’ve missed you. We’re so glad you’re back.” Luke also gave me a hug and kissed my forehead.

“Well the boys are downstairs, along with Megan if you want to go see them.” Martha suggested. My stomach felt a little queasy, it was something I was going to have to do sooner or later, might as well get it over with. I nodded and gave her a fake smile, making my way towards the basement door.

every step I took made me more and more nervous. 

Beauty Is Much More Than Just Looks. _ON HOLD_Where stories live. Discover now