Than what do I call you, I cant call you Ali or Freckles so what?-Chapter 5-

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I stayed in my room for three days, Noah’s words still freshly running through my mind. Mom would come and bring me food. Megan and Seth came by when I refused to answer their calls, when they asked what was wrong I lied and told them I simply missed Grammy and Gramps; they understood and left me alone. Alex even came by, just to borrow some batteries; he noticed my glum-depressing look but he didn’t care enough to ask if I was okay. When Grammy called I ended up bawling my eyes out, telling her everything that happened and how I felt. She offered to have me come over for a few days but I refused, saying that ’it would just be wimpy if I did that’ she understood. I missed her and Gramps, going back sounded splendid at the moment. I missed the fresh green grass, and the smell of it when it was freshly cut. I missed my beautiful brown appaloosa horse, Ace. I simply missed that amazing warm feeling I got when I was there. Grammy and Gramps treated me with so much love, and they took patients at teaching me life around the farm. They taught me how to do most things I never imagined myself doing. After I talked to Grammy on the phone I talked to Gramps, he always had some crazy story to tell me that would cheer me up. Except this time it didn’t, it just made me miss them even more.

Mom needed the house phone that I had been using, so I had to leave my room to go give it to her. Of course with my luck, Alex and his friends were in the living room; including Noah. He gave me a sideways glance before going back to what he was doing. “Hey Ali, will you get me a water bottle?” Alex asked, not tearing his eyes away from the T.V. I nodded anyways. When I reached the kitchen where mom was I saw he with Thomas resting on her hip. “Thanks honey, can you take Thomas? I have to make a business call.” I nodded and took Thomas from her arms, and got Alex his water bottle. Moms a realtor, she’s good at what she does so she makes a lot of money; dads a lawyer, so he makes a buck load of money. I was proud of my parents; they don’t take their money for granted like their coworkers. “Here.” I threw the bottle on Alex’s lap from behind and continued walking up to my room.

“Ali, I’m stinky!” Thomas said sniffing himself.

“Shower time?” He nodded, and ran to my bathroom. “I’m going to go get some towels, you start getting ready.” I hollered, making my way to the hallway closet. I grabbed the towels and when I closed the door, Noah appeared leaning on the wall.

“What do you want?” My voice was cold.

“To apologize.”

“Well don’t waste your breath, we both know you don’t mean it and that I won’t just forgive you that easily.”

“Ali, I feel awful. Please forgive me.”

“Don’t call me Ali.”

“Than what do I call you, I cant call you Ali or Freckles so what?”

“Just don’t talk to me and then you won’t have to worry about calling me anything.” I glared at him, before making my way back to Thomas.

“Will this make me smell all girly?” Thomas asked as I shampooed his hair.

“Nah, it’s Sour Apples, nothing too girly.”

“Okay good, cause I don’t want to smell all girly cause I’m a boy.” He pouted.

“Thomas, you’re adorable!” I cooed, making him smile.

“I know.” He replied, making me chuckle. I covered his eyes with one hand, so he wouldn’t get shampoo in his hair, and then stuck his head under the water.

“I smell good now.” He said happily as I dried him off.

“Better than before that’s for sure.” I wrapped him in the towel and carried him to his room.

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