Chapter 10 -And you, Mister Sterling, no date?-

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Alison’s P.O.V.

The weekend came faster than I thought it would. I didn’t mind though, the first week of school is always the most boring. “Ali-ball!” Gabe exclaimed. “Hey Gabe, hey guys.” I greeted, walking into the living room. I sat between Gabe and Noah, the only seat available. I pulled my feet up on the couch and slouched back, part of me leaning on Noah. Things between he and I seemed to change a bit, he’d treat me differently now; he wouldn’t act like his usual jerk self. Megan thought, of course, that something was up between us. There wasn’t. “What are you doing today?” Noah asked. I looked up at him, my head on his shoulder. “Nothing that I know of, why?” He shrugged. “Just wondering Frecks.” Frecks was the latest nickname he had come up with. “What are you doing today?” I asked. “Chilin’ at home, all the guys have dates.” I smirked. “Even Gabe?” He laughed; Gabe wasn’t really known for hooking up with girls or being into all that kind of stuff. “Believe it or not, yes even Gabe.” He replied. “And you, Mister Sterling, no date?” He shook his head. “Nope, unless you’re offering.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Shut up Noah.” I laughed. “Well I was asking, to see if you wanted to come over. To hang out I mean.” I started chewing on my lip.

“I have to babysit Thomas today.” I said, it wasn’t a false excuse; mom had some meeting and then three Open House showings. “Well you can bring him with you, Thomas loves me!” I shrugged. “We’ll see.” He rolled his eyes. “So I’ll see you around two; can you believe they’re going on like a triple date?” I gave him and ‘are you serious look?’ “Tell me you’re kidding, that’s so lame.” He nodded his head. “That’s exactly what I said.” Thomas came in his Alien Pajamas, rubbing his eyes awake. Noah took him and sat him on his lap. “What’s up bud?” I asked, he gave me an adorable half asleep shrug. “Hey Thomas guess what?” Noah asked excitedly. “What?” Thomas replied, leaning on Noah’s chest; he even curled up and made himself comfortable. “You’re coming over to my house today!” Thomas would have probably jumped for joy, but right now he was on his way to falling back asleep. Noah looked at me and smiled, that’s when the flash went off. Mom again. “Really mom?” She giggled. “I couldn’t help it, picture perfect moment. Not to mention you and Noah just look so cute smiling at each other with his arm around you!” I hadn’t even noticed Noah’s arm or my mothers’ presence. I looked up at Noah the look on his face said it all; he knew she had been there the whole time. “Jerk.” I glared jokingly. “Couldn’t help it, it was a total picture perfect moment.” He jokingly mocked my mother, which made me crack a smile. “Whatever Noah; and just so you know, even though I’m coming over don’t expect me to dress up for you. Expect soccer training sweats and a random t-shirt, and my dorky glasses.” He chuckled. “That’s fine with me freckle butt.” I groaned. “I hate that nickname!” He laughed. “That’s the point of me saying it, smarty.” I rolled my eyes, deciding not to reply and just make myself comfortable.

“Noah! Noah! Noah!” Thomas cheered as we got to The Sterling’s. Noah was waiting outside, sitting on the porch. Thomas ran to him happily. “Hey there little man.” Noah said as he picked him up. “Hello there, Steve Urkel.” He teased, he and Thomas laughed. “You guys are mean, I’m going inside to hang out with someone that I know loves me.” I pouted, letting myself into his home. “Ali!” Martha was quickly at my side hugging me. “Hi Martha!” Noah came in with Thomas resting on his waist. “And that Thomas is why you don’t make fun of girls- or their glasses, in this case- because they’ll leave you outside your house and go get babied by your mother.” I rolled my eyes and Martha squeezed me tighter. “Can’t help that I baby her, she’s practically my baby girl!” She cooed. “Now, come on, I have a fresh batch of cookies with your alls name written all over them.” My mouth watered, Martha makes the best homemade cookies.

“Hey, how come you only make cookies when Thomas and Ali come?” Noah pouted to his mother, obviously wanting to get babied like I do. “Because Noah, I have to put up with you more than I do with them.” I laughed and stuck my tongue out at Noah when Martha wasn’t looking. He just rolled his eyes.

Noah and I were sprawled out on the couch, Thomas fast asleep on the floor. Poor Thomas was probably worn out, we had been here a total of six hours jumping around and playing outside without any breaks. “You know, I actually like those glasses. A lot.” I rolled my eyes. “Why Noah, did you just give me a compliment?” I acted surprised. “Oh shut it freckle butt.” He laughed. “I hate you Noah.” I didn’t notice he was getting closer till he was practically on top of me. “No, you don’t Ali.” I felt out of breath, out of oxygen.  “Noah, you’re close.” I whispered. He continued inching closer and closer. “But not close enough.” Before I knew it his lips were pressed onto mine. They moved together in synch, in perfect harmony. The kiss wasn’t forced and wasn’t rushed. It took time to settle in my head, to sink everything in. For me to realize that he only likes me when I’m pretty, so I pushed him off. “Ali, what’s wrong?” He asked. I looked into his eyes, mine turned watery. “Please get off.” He did, I bent down and gently picked Thomas up. “Where are you going?” His voice sounded hurt. “Away from here; away from you.” I didn’t want to leave him, I wanted to continue kissing him but the thought of him only liking me now, that I was pretty, hurt far too much. “B-But why? That kiss was amazing Ali, you can’t just walk away from that.” Tears slid down my face and I held Thomas closer to me. “No Noah, it wasn’t. I can’t do this. I’m sorry.” With that I walked out, leaving him standing there.

I cry a lot, but it’s always controlled. This time, though, it wasn’t; once I started I couldn’t stop. Yes that kiss was amazing, it blew my mind. There were the butterflies and the shocks, and the fireworks; there was everything I expected there to be. I couldn’t be with him though, not if he only likes me for image.

“Ali, honey, wake up.” Mom was gently trying to wake me up. “No.” I groaned.

“Ali, Noah’s here, he wants to talk to you.” I slid back under the covers. “Tell him to go away, I don’t want him here! I don’t want to see him.”

“I’m right here freckles.”

“Go away then, I don’t want to see your cocky self you jerk!” He chuckled and I felt moms weight disappear from the bed, indicating that she probably left.

“I’m not going anywhere till you tell me why you left.” I felt like a child, stubborn.

“Just leave, please. I don’t want you here! I want you to go away!” I cried, tears starting to run down my face.

“I’m not leaving until you tell me why you left, and I possibly won’t leave after that.” He sat down next to me, so I turned my back towards him. “Stop being so damn stubborn Ali.” He ordered gently.

“Go away Noah, I refuse to talk to you.” He chuckled.

“You’re talking to me right now.” He replied smartly. I didn’t reply after that, which took a lot of my patients.

He continued to talk, about random stuff sometimes. Things that he knew annoyed me. I was on the edge of exploding.

“Noah, your mom called; she says she wants you home in approximately 20 minutes.” Mom was my savior, I owed her my life.

"Don't think this is over Freckle Butt." He warned before leaving.


I finally got around to updating. I hope you guys are still reading my story. I finally got an idea that I think you guys will love!

I also have new story ideas but I probably wont post them till a while, maybe after I finish this one. 

So stick with me and I promis to update more frequently, I might do a double update today ;)



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P.s. i think you guys will love the next chapter, i hope you enjoyed the kiss too. There might be more of those later on ;) *Spoiler* haha.

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