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Tyler's POV

I twirled my pen in between my fingers as my boring History teacher spoke. Mrs. Moore never has anything interesting to say. She makes the lesson so plain. I glanced over to my best friend, Kyle. Kyle is the most popular boy in school. You would think he would act like the jerk jock type but in reality he's the nicest boy you'll ever meet. We've been best friends since kindergarten. Me? I'm just the kid that gets teased a lot. I honestly don't care. They can hate all they want. A crumbled up paper hit my face making me loose my train of thought. It came from the other side of the room. Before I could open the note, Mrs. Moore grabbed it from me and threw it in the plastic garbage pail next to her desk.

"There will be no passing notes in my class, Mr. Barone." she lectured.

I didn't bother to argue. I'll always be known as the person who got caught reading a note someone threw at them. I turned my head to Kyle. He started to chuckle a little. I smiled and looked back at my notebook on my desk. The doodles all over the paper made me laugh inside. I have no idea whats going through my mind as I draw them.

I turned my head to the window and looked at the sky. Today was supposed to be hot and humid but for some reason dark clouds started to fill up the nice blue sky. Weird. That normally doesn't happen in June.

I looked at the clock as it ticked away. After a minute of staring, I felt a slight rumble under my chair. The rumble started to grow bigger and bigger to the point where everyone was falling off their chairs. Loud screams started to fill my ears. The shaking room forcefully pushed me to the ground.

Everything was so sudden. My classmates screamed and fell everywhere. Items on shelves started to fall. The window near the outside world shattered, covering everyone near the window. I was one of them.

I quickly ran out of the way and went to the back of the classroom. I spotted Kyle. A big pile of glass fell on top of Kyle. I watched in horror as glass started to pierce his skin including his neck. "Kyle!" I yelled as I held my hand out to reach him. But everything stopped.

I was standing in my room, half dressed.

"C'mon Tyler! Your gonna be late for school!" My mom called from downstairs. "W-...What?" I said in the air.

I'm back in my room?

I stood there blankly, trying to think this through. Seconds later I started to dress myself. Grabbed my backpack then ran down the stairs.

"Tyler honey you need to start setting an alarm" my mother said.

This already happened this morning...Did I just go back in time? No way, Tyler. That is impossible.

Loud footsteps were heard in the hallway. My dad came into the kitchen where I was and grabbed an apple. He was almost late for work too. My dad started searching franticly.

"Tyler have you seen my keys any where?" he asked.

They were under the mail on the counter this morning.

My dad picked up the pile of mail on the counter and grabbed the keys saying, "Ah, here you are"

No way...There is no way I could've guessed that right.

My sister then came in and poured a glass of orange juice. She slowly made her way to the kitchen table, carrying the drink while looking at her phone. When she put her drink down and dropped her phone into the glass.

"No!" she cried.

That also happened as well.

I held my hand out and immediately went back to the part where my sister poured the drink. I walked over to her and took her phone and placed it far away from her drink so she wouldn't drop it.

"You'll thank me later" I told her as she shrugged.

Thats the only good thing I've probably done to her...jk.

Ok...rewinding time. Thats interesting and also dangerous...but also really cool.

--Tyler walked into his classroom, waiting for the next class--

I need to get to Kyle. Once I put my bags down I quickly took Kyle's hand and dragged him to the bathroom. I heard the bell ring signaling us to go to our first class...which was History for us.

"Tyler, what are you doing? We need to go back to class" Kyle said.

"W-Wait Kyle. Please don't go back out there"


I hesitated for a moment.

"Kyle... I saved your life" I said.

"Saved my life?" he questioned.

"I r-rewinded time and saved your life. There is going to be an earthquake in our History class and you had a pile of glass fall on top of you and the glass...s-stabbed you" I coughed to stop what I was saying.

Kyle looked at me like I had four heads.

"You gotta believe me" I finished.

"Tyler I-"

The room started to shake hard. I immediately knew what to do so I grabbed Kyle's arm and ran out of the school building. We ran away as far as we can until we reached a lot of trees. Possibly a forest we ran into. The rumble was distant but we could still feel it. Kyle and I eventually stopped and looked back.

Bricks on the building fell down crashing into windows. Chunks of the outside wall are falling down onto other bricks making them fall too. I watched as Kyle's face filled with terror.

"Tyler...?" he whispered loudly.

I responded, "I can rewind time"

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