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Tyler walked to school with doubt in his mind.
Ok, Hwnt is defiantly not responsible for my powers..or...maybe he is

He shook his head in disbelief.
Tyler, you need to live a life. Jesus Christ.

Tyler began to stop thinking after he realized that his thoughts were basically verbally abusing him. And that gave him a reason why he's losing his sanity.

Kyle caught up to Tyler and began to yell about GTA. Something about hijacking a bus and then getting hit by a bus while that bus he was hit with got hit with another bus.

Ever since Tyler met Matilda he began to see her everywhere. One minute she'll be at the front of a classroom window, the next she'll be in the bathroom. He doesn't get her and her power.

Is it a mirage power? Or like... a magician mixed with a time travelers powers? Wait-

"AAH!" Tyler yelled as Matilda popped up in front of him.

"Sorry." She said sarcastically. "Listen, kid. You need to stay away from Hwnt."

Tyler rolled his eyes.

"I'm serious, Tyler. He's dangerous. That means don't make any conversation with him or even go near him." Matilda lectured.

Tyler was gonna go near him.

"Alriiight, Alright. I got it. Thank youu" Tyler walked passed Matilda. She sighed and before Tyler could look back she was gone. 

So as Tyler promised himself, he was gonna go near Hwnt but he had a goal. Maybe he could have some sort of paperwork for being a doctor. Tyler without a doubt knew Hwnt was not the doctor in the vision. But he did this for Matilda.

Kyle was let in the plan and was surprisingly doing well. Kyle's job was to distract Hwnt while Tyler snuck into his office and grabbed whatever he saw.

Genius plan, I know.

So an hour has passed and the plan was going well. Only one thing...Kyle was only able to distract Hwnt until they got down the hall. So Tyler really had to blast. Tyler started to rummaged  through his desk drawers. Immediately Tyler saw a file labeled "Medical Papers" and Tyler grabbed it so fast and bolted out the room.

While Tyler panted and ran to his backpack, he got a glimpse of Hwnt walking into the classroom. Tyler as he was about to run down the stairs, he also saw Hwnt glare at him and that he left the desk drawer open.

What the actual fuck Tyler. You'd suck as a spy.

With no time left, Tyler rushed to the outside of the school and found Matilda behind a tree. Lucky guess?
He shoved the file into her arms and quickly said, "Take this to anywhere safe!"

Then the rushing time was over. No more sprinting down hallways and stairs. That is until Hwnt snuck up behind Tyler and spooked him.

"M-Mr. H-Hwnt, I-I didn't see you there." Tyler stammered.

"Oh I'm sorry. Did I scare you?" He grinned like the cheshire cat while he pushed his round glasses up.

"Heh. Heh" Tyler said as his gulped.

"One question." Hwnt softly said.

"Why were you in my classroom this evening?" he asked grimly.

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