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There was a knock on the door.

"Tyler!... its that girl from your school!" his mom called.

Immediately he thought of Matilda and he was right. She made her way up the stairs and threw herself onto the bed.

"A hello would be nice..." he teased.

"I have good and bad news" she replied.


Matilda took off her glasses and clipped them onto her shirt.

"I know its been awhile...but I've found more about Hwnt." Matilda continued.

"Listen..." Tyler sat down on his desk chair. "I've given up on this whole search thing. I-It just isn't working anymore and I have no reason why I should continue. I mean he seems innocent just a weirdo and due to the vision...I don't know"

Matilda gave me the look like she was going to stab me. "What?!" she started. "You can't just quit now! You just can't! We were close to the end! We were gonna find out every-" Matilda cut herself off realizing she was making a scene.

"I get it..."

Tyler didn't want to say anything, afraid she would yell again. She draped her head down.

"You wanted to live a normal teenage life with just you and Kyle. You never wanted this power and you never wanted me here."

It hurts to admit it but she is telling the truth. Except he never minded her being here.

"Wait..." Tyler interrupted. Matilda looked up at him.

"I may have never wanted this power and may have wanted a normal high school life. But I can't say I never wanted you." Tyler said.

"You guided me through this journey and I don't think I would've figured out the answers we have now without you."

"Your making me blush and I hate it." Matilda said.

"Good, 'cause you need to realize human emotions for once. Just because you have special abilities, doesn't mean you don't have to stop being a human" Tyler continued.

"We don't have to set our only goal in life to chasing after Hwnt."

Matilda sighed and said, "Yea...your right."

"By the way...what is your power?" Tyler asked.

"I'm a mix..." she said.

"A mix?"

"I am a mix of 4 different abilities, Tyler."

"Is that even possible?" Tyler asked.

"No..." Matilda looked a bit pained.

"I have to tell you this before anything else happens to you."

"Matilda-..." Tyler called her name before Matilda had a tear falling down her cheek.

"I-I'm not...human" she stuttered while a more tears slipped down her cheeks.

"I'm a p-program...c-created by H-Hwnt"

"What...?!" Tyler's eyes widened.

Matilda cried more and Tyler looked at her in anger.

"You are a spy...f-for him?!" Tyler spoke loudly.

"N-No! Thats not what I-" Matilda was interrupted by Tyler again.

"You were using me..."

"I am not with him a-anymore!"

Tyler heard her but still didn't believe it.

"Tyler! Please listen to me!" Matilda shouted and but Tyler kept processing this through his head.

She fought the tears back one more time but eventually she couldn't and fell to her knees. She buried her head in her knees and curled up into a ball.

There was a long silence.

Tyler sighed in frustration and banged his fist against the desk. He then looked at the picture of the blue butterfly under his fist.

He turned to Matilda who stopped crying but still was in a ball and kneeled down.

Tyler hugged Matilda.

Matilda looked up at Tyler and whispered, "I'm sorry"

Tyler smiled at her and lifted her up from the ground.

He pulled away and now was looking into Matilda's teary grey eyes.

Tyler then kissed her...for real.

Matilda's eyes widened. He then pulled away.

"I did it to make you shut up" Tyler mocked what Matilda had said a while ago.

Matilda then slapped him and said, "I-Idiot...It wasn't even romantic"

Although Matilda was a program, Tyler still had that tiny hope in him that maybe Matilda wasn't as bad as he thought.

After all, Tyler was a rebel sometimes.

And rebels are ready to take risks.

Tyler's mom opened the door and said, "What is all this yell- oh so you two are together now."

She stared at Tyler's slightly messy hair and Matilda's tear-stained cheeks.

They looked at each other, then to Tyler's mom and said, "We did NOT have sex!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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