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I opened the front door to my house only to see my worried mother and father.

"Tyler!" my mother cried as she squeezed me in a hug.

"Mom?" I questioned. She pulled back and looked at me. Her eyes filled up with tears.

"We got a call from your principle saying that your school building collapsed" my dad explained.

I scratched the back of my neck. "Y-Yea" I stuttered. Kyle could've died if I didn't drag him out of the building. For all I know my classmates could be dead right now.

My biggest priority right now is to figure out what the hell happened today. First off, I can rewind time. Second off, an earthquake hit my school building. This isn't like any other average day at school.

I slowly dragged myself up the stairs. When I entered my room I saw my little sister on my bed with tears in her eyes.

Wow my sister was actually worried about me? I thought she really hated me. Thats news...

My sister, Kristina, lifted her head up and immediately ran to me. She hugged me tightly.

"Hey Kris" I said out of the blue. Kris looked up to me and wiped her tears. "I'm s-sorry...I was just-...never mind" she stammered while walking off to her room. I pushed up my glasses and chuckled a little.

I groaned while throwing myself on top of my bed. I am so exhausted from today. Moments later of digging my face into my pillow, I finally drifted off to sleep.


Tyler woke up on a bench on top of a mountain. He began to wonder where he was.

"the hell?" he said aloud.

Tyler got up and looked around. The bench he was sleeping on was on the edge of the mountain. Gee that looks safe... Tyler walked around. There weren't any exits to get off this mountain. All Tyler had to do was look at the sunset view above the bench.

"I wouldn't mind being stuck here I guess" Tyler said to himself.

As the sun began to drop, Tyler heard footsteps behind him. He quickly turned around and met face to face with his best friend.

"Kyle?" he questioned. Seconds later, a punch went straight to Tyler's face sending him straight back. Tyler slowly walked back as Kyle walked towards him.

"This is YOUR fault, Tyler!" Kyle yelled.

"What..?" Tyler questioned.

"You left everyone to DIE!"

"What are you talking about, Kyle?! I didn't do anything!" Tyler yelled back.

Tyler looked behind him. One more step and he would fall into a ditch. He brought his attention back to Kyle's furious eyes.

"Go to hell, Tyler" Kyle said before he pushed Tyler into the ditch. While Tyler started to fall all he saw was Kyle walking away. Not giving a second thought on what he did.

He left me to die.

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