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School ended. So it is now August 13, 2016 and Tyler and the gang spent the summer to themselves. Tyler kept rewinding over and over again, trying to figure out what clues he might've missed in his life.

Weird weather occurrences started spiking up. Rain on the hottest day on Earth. Lightning so big it could kill anyone. It even snowed at the end of July.

Not to mention, the wind was really tough too.

Tyler never found anything about Hwnt since the school year ended so he actually gave up.

Kyle still wonders what Matilda would look like as a real life Lara Croft.

Matilda went to find answers about her power but in the end never found any.

Their whole summer was boring. They never did anything interesting and just moped around.

The three really wanted to find the answers but they didn't work hard enough. They gave up as they were really close to actually getting something.

Tyler sat in his office chair, thinking.

He thought about his vision. Some random guy that doesn't look like Hwnt experiments on Tyler and Matilda...and then thats it.

He has no major, no clues, no goals, no nothing.

He rewound too much this summer. But it didn't do anything. He still didn't know everything about his power. There could be a time limit of when he wouldn't have it anymore or when he'd die. Tyler just didn't know.

Tyler stared out his window. The sun shined brightly through the glass. It was setting and getting ready to go to sleep while the moon takes over.

Just as the sun lowered, a blue butterfly flew around the trees in Tyler's back yard.

Tyler caught a glimpse of it and had noticed the butterfly had landed on his windowsill.

He opened up the window and investigated it.

You never see a butterfly like this around.

The butterfly flew into Tyler's room and sat on his dresser.

Tyler didn't think anything of it until the butterfly started circling around his closet door.

Tyler thought he was hallucinating but after a couple of pinches later he wasn't.

He walked over and opened the closet only to see the butterfly fly in and sit on a polaroid camera his aunt had got him for his birthday two years ago.

Tyler shrugged and said, "Might as well savor the moment"

The flash was so bright, Tyler almost blinded himself.

The polaroid picture came out as Tyler started to look at it. The butterfly's color was honestly beautiful.

He looked up and saw it fly out the window.

Tyler sighed and put his camera back. The picture seemed oddly vivid. Its like the butterfly's color was made for pictures.

He stared at the photo longer and longer and longer...until when Tyler looked up he was in front of the closet taking a picture of the butterfly.

"Wait what?" he said looking around. "Did I travel?" he asked himself.

He looked at the picture as he was doing before and then instantly went back to taking the picture.

I can travel through pictures...?

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