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Today had just been a "normal" day of school. Tyler's mind was filled with questions about Matilda. Why did she come out now? What will she need to talk about? So many questions flooding around but there is no real answer yet.

"You ok, bro?" Kyle asked while eating his lunch.

"So that hot chick from yesterday-"

"Please don't call her hot" Tyler interrupted.

"Why does she look like Lara Croft from Tomb Raider?" Kyle asked.

Tyler raised an eyebrow. "Lara Croft? She looks nothing like Lara Croft." he said. "Have you been binge gaming Tomb Raider?"

"C'mon you can't say its a bad game" Kyle started. "A hot, badass chick that can shoot guns and jump over large gaps. Total.Badass.Chick!"

Tyler sighed then chuckled. "Anyways, why do you think-"

"Matilda does have the same glasses as Lara but there not red." Kyle interrupted. "Maybe Matilda is trying to copy Annie Sullivan!"

"Kyle, shut up. Matilda is not copying Annie Sullivan? and shes not Lara Croft...End of story" Tyler ranted.

The lunch period ended and the two decided to walk and talk for the rest of the next period...that is until they bumped into Mr. Hwnt.

Tyler and Kyle both sighed in frustration.

"Something wrong boys?" he asked with that hipster-like voice. Is that even a way you could describe a voice? Eh probably not.

"N-No its nothing. We're just-" Tyler looked at Kyle for an answer. "annoyed by todays Science test" Kyle finished.

"I didn't give out any Science tests today" he said.

Tyler face palmed and quickly said, "He meant Math test!"

Hwnt just nodded and said, "Well I could help you two with that...Come into my classroom" Mr. Hwnt walked over to his door and waited for Kyle and Tyler to come.

"W-We really should be going now" Tyler said while grabbing Kyle's hand to leave. As the boys were about to walk off, Hwnt walked in front of them and said a bit creepily, "No no I insist" He then escorted the two to his classroom.

Tyler was nervous. He could rewind but nothing happened yet and it would seem too suspicious. "Kyle, would you get something from the office for me?" Kyle nodded and walked out as fast as he could.

He was nervous too. "Whats 2 + 2?" Hwnt asked.

There was silence. Is he serious?

"Great, thats all you need to know" Hwnt said. He circled Tyler continuously until he threw himself onto the spinning hair he owned.

"Tyler, you take care of your skin really well for a boy your age."

Tyler laughed nervously and said, "I guess it comes naturally"

Hwnt smiled like a homicidal maniac. Tyler wanted to get out of here so badly right now. Hwnt stood up and leaned over his desk, closer to Tyler. Tyler leaned back as far as he could to get away from Hwnt.

"Would you like to be a part of my next experiment?" he asked. Tyler widened his eyes and started panicking. Experiment?! "W-What...?" Tyler stuttered.

Suddenly the door swung open and revealed Kyle holding a pack of papers.
"These are really heavy..." he said struggling to keep the papers off from the floor.

Mr. Hwnt walked over and picked up the pack of papers with no problem. "Thank you Kyle. Alright I have to get going and deal with these papers."

"I'll see you soon, Tyler"

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