Chapter Seven

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Amanda's POV.

I can't believe Jai and I kissed, again. He is a good kisser to be honest, I think I love him. Wait, did I just say I love him? I mean I like him, a lot, as a friend.
But he would never love you back, he is a player, Mandy. He would never date someone and stick with them, he would most probably fuck girls and leave them the next day.

"Weekend, finally!" I shouted excitedly, jumping on Jai's back.

"Someone wants a piggy back ride."

"Well," I giggled, "I really don't feel like walking."

"Okay, hold still," he said lifting my whole body on top of him.

"This is going to be fun."

'Okay, 1, 2, 3," he said carrying me while running towards his car.

"Next time, my turn," he laughed as I got off him.

"Yeah, sure."

"Now hop in, let's head back home."

The car ride was all silent; we were both tired of school and decided to just stay quiet for a while. Surprisingly, no questions popped into my head. I leaned in against the window and took a nap the whole way back home.

"Wake up babe, we have arrived," I could hear Jai's voice ringing inside my head.

"Yea," I yawned.

"By the way, since today is Friday, I thought we could spend those three days together; we'll have fun," he smiled.

"Yeah sure, I would love to do that," I smiled back, thinking that my kind of fun was nothing close to his.

"I"ll see you later today, Jai," I shouted waving him goodbye.

"Okay, babe," he shouted back.

I really enjoy Jai's company, well besides him being my neighbor. I mean, I was never that close to people since I can remember, and it's really nice to have a friend. Yea. That's what Jai and I are, friends. I don't think we'll ever be more than that anyways.

"Mom, moi is back and moi is starving," I sat down on the dining table, ready to eat whatever my mom had made.

"Good thing I made your favorite food."

"Uh, thank you, thank you, thank you," I said licking the last piece of lasagna on my plate.

"Honey, where are your manners?" said my mom slightly laughing.

"Mom, I was cleaning my plate."

"Yeah, like dogs."

"Dogs are cute."

"Yeah, yeah," she rolled her eyes, "any plans for today?"

"Nah, just food and Netflix," I said. "And I might visit our neighbors."

"Oh, you mean that Jai guy."

"Mom, I sort of like that Jai guy so please."

"I already knew that."

"What wha- How? Is it that obvious?"

"Honey, I am your mother. I carried you for nine straight months in my tummy, don't you think I would know when my daughter likes or dislikes someone?"

"So it's not because it was too obvious, and I was acting all weird and nervous around him?" I added sarcastically.

"Yeah, and that too," she laughed along.

"Mom, tell me what to do. I like, well love that Jai guy and I don't know whether he feels the same way about me or not. What if he thinks it's too early?" I whines.

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