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"Senpai! I found it! I found it! Look!" Kise shouted in Kasamatsu's ear as they were getting their shoes. Kasamatsu let out an angry growl and kicked his kouhai's back in irritation. On his way to school, Aki clung onto him sobbing about the movies she watched late at night. He shuddered just remembering her wail and strangers stopping to look at the scene she caused, believing it was him who had made her cry. He panicked and tried his best to calm her down despite his shyness, but that only made her cry louder.

"How does the main character remind her of me? He died! I'm frickin' alive, aren't I? Damn that woman! Causing a stupid scene over something stupid! Why did I even wait for her this morn-"

"Senpai!! You're hurting me~ssu," Kise cried, holding his arms up in defense while Kasamatsu continued to kick at the blonde and venting out his anger.

"Huh? Oh. I'm not sorry," he bluntly replied, shutting his locker.

"Meanie!~ Anyways, I talked to my modeling agency and I found it!"

"Found what? Your pea-sized brain?"

"Be serious here! I found a picture of Aki-senpai! My manager said she's super well known in America, isn't that cool," Kise squealed in delight, shoving a picture in his hands. Kasamatsu paused, staring at the picture for a full minute before his face flushed red and he started to stutter.

"W-Why the h-hell do you h-have this p-p-picture!?" he furiously blushed, smacking the blonde on the head. He lowkey admitted that she looked cute, and was surprised Kise actually had a picture of her modeling. He never payed much attention to models, considering his experience with the annoying blonde. Just thinking about him made him reach out and smack his kouhai once again. Kise let out a yelp, and quickly hid the picture in his pocket before running away. "T-That idiot."


"SENPAI~ Where were you!? I didn't finish telling you about the main character! He was really handsome and had beautiful hair just like you," Aki shouted across the room as the lunch bell rang. A few students snickered at the blushing male as Aki quickly shoved her textbooks into her desk and skipped over.

"Y-You! You caused a s-such a scene o-of course I had to l-leave you! Do you know how many p-people would h-have gotten the wrong idea," he scolded, gently hitting her head with his notebook.

"Eh? It was such a tragic ending though! He was separated from his lover...though I can't lie, I was a bit happy because then I would have him all to myself...hehe," Aki smirked, opening her bento. Kasamatsu couldn't help but stare at the lavishly displayed food, causing his mouth to water a little bit.

"Your l-lunch looks good," he mumbled, biting into his poorly made sandwich. He had no idea how to cook, and spent most of his time at home taking care of his younger brothers. The least he could do was slap together a messy peanut butter and jelly sandwich and call that his lunch.

"Senpai, you shouldn't be eating that! There aren't enough nutrients in bread, and you have practice after school! What happened to your bento?"

"I-I don't know how t-to cook," he blushed, avoiding her look.

"Well, why didn't you say so! I could've made you one this morning! Here, take mine," Aki gleefully slid her meal over. "Don't worry, I didn't spit in it or anything."

"N-No, it's okay. I-It's your mom's food so y-you should eat it," he replied, gently pushing the bento back.

"I made it."


"I live alone senpai."

"O-Oh yeah..Sorry I forgot. B-But how come your house is twice the size as mine," Kasamatsu exclaimed in shock. Aki simply shrugged before placing the bento back in front of him.

"Please eat this, I don't want you to get tired today during practice. Coach has been noticing it you know. Senpai, from now on, I'll make you a bento for lunch! No excuses! I won't hear it!"

He knew arguing would be useless, seeing how stubborn she was when Kise begged her to let him take a break during practice. He remembered her giving him a small kick before sending him off to run laps. He let out a sigh before muttering a grateful 'thank you' savoring the delicious meal she gave him.


"Kise, don't look away from your opponent! Hayakawa-senpai, your toss needs more strength! Give me 5 more pushups! Moriyama-senpai, stop looking at the girls and keep your eyes on the court before I give you punishment. Kobori-senpai, turn your feet out! Kasamatsu-senpai, bend your knees a little more and stay guarded," Aki shouted across the court. The coach had stepped out for a staff meeting and left the manager in charge, trusting she would do her best to keep them focused.

Hours passed and everyone was now growing tired. Aki repeated drills, wanting each member to perfect the moves and steps. At first, they were hesitant, but after the drills and their practice game, they were surprised at how much easier everything was. The steps were lighter and faster, the ball-handling skills improved, and their shots had amazing accuracy.

"Ne~Akicchi~Do you model," Kise slyly grinned, putting an arm over her shoulder and pulled her close. Kasamatsu let out a low growl as he followed him and then rest of the team out of the locker rooms.

"Why do you ask that, Ryouta," she smirked grabbing his arm. In a quick flash, she had him pinned down on the floor. Everyone in the gym froze, not knowing what to do. Kise was twice her size, and this was not an everyday sight. "I know you were the one who showed off that damn picture to everyone in the school," she sneered.

"Eh!? How'd Akicchi find out?! Senpai you betrayed me!"

"I had nothing to do with this, shut up."

"I'm not that stupid kinpatsu. I already have a fricking fanclub following after me, offering to hold my books and bag. One even went to the bathroom, asking if I needed any help! Do you see what you did!?"

"I'm sorry~ssu! You were really cute! I couldn't help myself showing you off to the scho-OUCH!" He cried as Kasamatsu threw a basketball at his head. The rest of the team jokingly threw out insults to tease the poor blonde. Aki let out a small giggle before helping him up and giving him a pat on the back.

"Alright, settle down my children-"

"We're older than you," Moriyama interrupted but quickly hid behind Kobori as she gave him a sharp glare.

"As I was about to say since the secrets out, I might as well tell you..unless you all have plans after this?" she questioned and everyone shook their heads. "Goodie! You can all accompany me~ I want coffee!"

The gym was quickly cleaned up once again and locked. The team followed Aki as she led the way to her favorite coffee shop, cracking a few jokes here and there. There were a few dirty looks aimed towards them, seeing a small girl surrounded by good looking and tall males. Kasamatsu would pull her close to him every time they passed by a sketchy old man, warning her not to go too far ahead from the team. Aki would give him a small smile and nod before wandering ahead once again, repeating the same process until they reached their destination.

Teach Me How To Love (KnB☆Kasamatsu Yukio)Where stories live. Discover now