Short- Happy Birthday Kise

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"So, tell me again why we're planning this last minute," Kasamatsu mumbled, turning to Aki.

"Because even though he's an annoying turd, he is still a teammate," she replied, leaning over his shoulder. The captain's face grew bright red since he could feel her breasts pushing against his back. Moriyama snorted seeing his reaction, but quickly hid his face when Aki looked up at him.

Aki gave Kise a long list of nonexistent items to go a buy, meanwhile, the team quickly devised a plan and began to decorate the gym. Everyone gathered around together on the floor looking at the design their manager came up with during class. Everything was well thought out and neatly drawn, which surprised most of the team. It was rare to see her put so much effort into something other than managing the team.

*ping* "Ne, Akicchi!!! I can't find the pink bananas at the supermarket! Are you sure you gave me the correct list~ssu? I asked the lady at the register and she looked at me funny.." -Ryouta Kissass

"Oi, you told us to get to work. What do you think you're doing on your phone," Kasamatsu said, throwing a tangled mess of party streamers at her.

"Kise just texted me about the list I sent him hehe," she giggled while sending him a " ‎( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ". ‎

"Why is his contact name....never mind."


In less than an hour, the entire gym was set up with gold and white streamers. Star shaped balloons floated around and white balloons with names of each member was tied on a chair. A giant cake was displayed in the middle of the row of tables along with other food. They all had their party poppers and horns ready, and all that was left was the blonde's arrival.

"Ryoutit, are you done yet?" -Aki


"By the way, what did you make him buy? I'm curious," Moriyama asked, peering over her shoulder.

"Pink bananas, yellow oranges, purple crabs with no claws, a stuffed animal with no stuffing, sour potatoes, you get the idea."

"I fee(l) so(r)(r)y fo(r) him a(l)ready," Hayakawa sighed.

"The poor boy had no idea," Kobori shook his head.

"He's an idiot if he thinks those actually exist," Kasamatsu said, shooting a three on the other side of the court.

"Hey you! Stop throwing balls around, what if it accidentally rips off the beautiful lettered banner I made for him. Everyone turned and snorted seeing how the letters spelled out "Happy Birthday KissAss!"

*ping* "Akicchi, is practice over yet~ssu?" -Ryouta Kissass

"Guys quick, get ready!" Everyone scrambled to their places, aside from Kasamatsu who took a seat in front of the cake and stared blankly at the door. Aki gave him a look before hiding to the side of the door. They all heard footsteps coming from outside of the gym and as the door swung open, their party poppers popped.


A loud shrill shriek escaped from the surprised blonde as all of the grocery bags dropped to the floor. Everyone stopped and stared with a disgusted face as he continued to scream. Aki threw a lemon at him, which made him stop. "You-YOU! AKICCHI YOU MADE ME GO THROUGH SUCH A HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE ON MY BIRTHDAY AND THEN IM GREETED WITH THIS! I COULDN'T FIND YELLOW ORANGES SO I GOT YOU LEMONS. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I SUFFERED?! I DON'T KNOW WHETHER TO THANK YOU OR SCREAM!"

"Why not both," Kasamatsu suggested with a straight face, pulling the string on his party popper. Confetti followed with a loud bang made the yellow banana smile even more.

"E-Everyone...." he smiled, tears starting to fall. He had never felt so loved until today. A genuine smile formed on his face as he buried his head into Aki's shoulder. Ever since he was little, he was spoiled rotten by his parents and sisters, but by the end of the day, he was always in bed alone, tucking himself in and reading a bedtime story to himself. On regular days, he woke up to an empty house and would announce "I'm off" with no reply. He joined basketball, hoping his busy schedule would keep him from coming home to an empty house, and although it did keep him busy, he was not busy enough. He never had much friends, despite being quite popular. His only trust laid with the Generation of Miracles. His other schoolmates were seen as just acquaintances, because he knew deep down that they only wished to be friends with the popular kid. He knew Aki faced the same situation, because even though she never said so herself, her face showed all. That's what made her so special to him.

He quickly wiped his tears away and smiled at everyone. "Thank you," he simply said, and he meant those words with all his heart.

"Happy birthday, Kise," Aki said, leading him to his giant cake. This is where I belong, he thought, my second family.

A/N: A little late but better late then never :) 

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