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"Wahhh, it's so hot!" Aki cried out, fanning herself with the paper containing all the stats from each of the team members.

"Nishimura, I would appreciate it if you don't wrinkle those papers that contain information of the team since it isn't just you that uses them," their coach grumbled as he sat next to her.

"Oh...right. It's just...these papers weren't of that much use in the first place, especially when all the information can easily be memorized in a short amount of time."

"Are you trying to imply something about me, Nishimura?"

"Whaaaat!!?? Nooooo!!! I would never coach. Nada. Zilch. None. Not. At. ALL-"

"Aki, shut up," Kasamatsu warned her, grabbing her by the collar of her shirt and dragging her onto the court. She gave a small wave to the coach, letting her feet drag on the gym floor.

"Senpai, sometimes I can't help myself but state the obvious. For example, this morning during homeroom." She shrugged, making him sigh in irritation after he remembered the incident from this morning.

"Where is Nishimura? I want a word with this bitch," an older female appeared at the front of the door.

Whispers were quickly heard from around as everyone glanced around the room. Kasamatsu slowly glanced over at the sleeping female who did not wake at the sound of the door slamming open. He was debating if he should wake the girl or lay low and eventually hope the girl would leave.

"She's over there," a blonde spiky-haired boy said, pointing a finger directly at the poor girl. Kasamatsu couldn't help but grind his teeth in irritation. That boy should just mind his own shitty business, he thought to himself knowing very well he just wanted to start something early in the morning for his own amusement.

As soon as she followed the direction to where his finger was pointing, she quickly paced over to the girl's desk and slammed a hand down, waking her up in the process.

"What the heck- Oh, you again," she yawned and let out a loud exaggerated groan as she stretched. Everyone was watching intently while Kasamatsu mentally facepalmed himself. This girl has no shame.

"You bitch. I warned you last time to stay away from him. Who do you think you are going around acting all lovey-dovey with our Kise-kun? Hey! Are you even listening to me?! I'm talking to you!"

"Huh? Oh, sorry. I couldn't listen because your abnormally huge forehead was distracting me. Is this about Ryoushit again? If you love him so much, might as well follow him to his photoshoots. I'm pretty sure you can get hired as one of those things photographers need in order to get the correct lighting. I mean, you're practically killing two boobs with one stone here. You get to see him and you get paid!"

"Aki, the saying is two birds with one stone.." Kasamatsu whispered as everyone giggled at her mistake and burn. The older girl's face flushed red in embarrassment..or anger..maybe both. She raised her hand, ready to give Aki a forceful hard slap across the face but was quickly stopped by none other than Kasamatsu. This shocked everyone since the male was obviously afraid of girls to the point where he couldn't even speak to a female teacher properly. Someone who was always so quiet and avoided women at all cost was actually defending one.

"If you dare lay one hand on her, I swear to god I will-"

"Senpai," the girl quietly spoke in a tone that was completely different from her normal happy-go-lucky voice. "It's okay."

"B-But she was going to-"

"I know. It's okay, thank you for defending me. As for you," she glared at the girl making her gulp and retreat her arm back from Kasamatsu's strong grip. "Get the hell out of my class before I take matters into my own hands and trust me, honey, it won't be so sweet once I finish."

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