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"YUKIO NOOO I DON'T WANNA GO," Aki wailed, creating quite a scene in the arcade.

"Y-Yu-What happened to senpai you idiot," he blushed hearing her call him by his first name for the first time.

"Oh? Fufufu so you like being called senpai? I didn't know you were so kinky, s-e-n-p-a-i!" She teased, leaning in closer to his bright red face. Kasamatsu started to choke on his own words and his body began to feel hotter each second. He quickly pulled her out of the arcade, knowing she would take his flustered moment as an opportunity to run back in. That happened just last week, but he knew better than to fall for the same trick twice.

"Senpai!! I'm sorry!! Please let me go, GUDETAMA IS CALLING TO ME!"

"No, you've already spent more than $30 on those claw machines. No more. We are leaving."

"Wait, do you hear that?"

"Hear what..."

"It's calling to me. Ahhhhhhhkiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~"

"Okay first of all, eggs with..butts don't talk. Second of all, why does it sound like a chipmunk. Third, we are still leaving." Kasamatsu said, dragging her by the collar of her shirt as she flailed her arms and legs. Some people stopped and stared at the strange pair of high schoolers, a tomato looking boy dragging a crying girl making ghost noises...indeed it was quite the sight.


"Eh? What do you mean I can never come back there? Senpai, that place is like a ritual for me. Everyday after school I go there to donate my precious money to the holy claw machine spirits. The gods have accepted me and lately I've been thinking I should start a cult, and you know what, you were going to be the very first member. Not anymore missy, you lost your chance. I will begin this revolution without you," she said, crossing her arms in a huff.

Kasamatsu let out a long sigh as he closed the door behind him. She was in the same grade as him, yet sometimes she's like a somewhat mature version of Kise. Looking around, he found her shoving two of his basketballs into her shirt. For a split second, he didn't realize what was going on and then it hit him. His face grew bright red once again and he quickly turned around, covering his eyes.

"Look senpai, big boobies," she called out to him, waving her chest in the air while moving back and forth. Then she proceeded to hop her way to him, keep in mind she had two basketballs over her chest. One ball fell out and knocked over one of the fake plants while the other shifted down to her stomach. With a loud gasp, she exclaimed, "SENPAI I ONLY HAVE ONE TITTY LEFT!"

Still slightly covering his eyes, Kasamatsu quickly karate chopped the ball out of her shirt before giving her a glare. "Upstairs, now," he demanded. Aki wiggled her eyebrows and let out a small giggle before skipping up the stairs, leaving a flustered Kasamatsu downstairs. What has gotten into her lately, he wondered.


Bringing a tray of food upstairs was more difficult than he thought. His siblings left their toys lying around and not to mention some dirty clothes were thrown all over the house. He was careful to not trip and fall because if he did, Aki would never let him live it down. He was surprised to hear silence from inside his room which made him wonder what she was up to.

"A-Alright, I'm coming in. Y-You better not be doing something stupid or I-I'll hit you," he warned before slowly opening the door. He slowly walked in, praying she didn't pull one of her stupid pranks and pop up out of nowhere. He instantly relaxed seeing her sprawled out on his bed, curled up in ball and fast asleep. Quietly placing the tray down, he unfolded the blankets and gently placed it on her body.

He suddenly got an idea as he slowly sat down on the bed near her, but just imagining himself take action upon the idea made him very embarrassed. After contemplating for a full 10 minutes, he made sure she was fast asleep before he urged himself to lift his hand up and run his fingers through her soft hair. She made a little noise, which scared him and made him stop in an instant, but as soon as she relaxed, so did he. This was the very first time he's ever been so close to a girl, plus, he was actually touching her. To think the captain of the basketball team who was so scared of girls, is literally right next to one right now.

Although he was still somewhat nervous around Aki, he also felt calm and at peace whenever she was around. The team has improved in so many ways after she became the manager, and he is forever grateful for her hard work and dedication. He just wished she would continue to stay by his side and support him, but he knew these moments wouldn't last forever. One day, it'll all come to an end, and everyone would go their separate ways whether they like it or not.

Since it was the weekend, he decided to let her sleep. Homework could wait till the day before school, as always. With one last glance, he went back downstairs to put the sandwiches away. No one would be home this week, so he had the house all to himself. They already stopped for food earlier on the way home, so he wasn't as hungry. Shutting the fridge, he glanced at the clock that read 11:11 p.m.

"Make a wish," he muttered to himself. Please let Aki continue to stay by my side and support the team, he thought to himself. Shutting the lights off and making sure all the doors were locked, he made his way back upstairs. "Guess I'm sleeping on the floor tonight, as usual," he chuckled to himself.

Teach Me How To Love (KnB☆Kasamatsu Yukio)Where stories live. Discover now