Chapter 6: Tragic

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*flash back*

I was running around with my doll in my hand. I was getting chased by my friend. We where in my house and all of a sudden he catches up to me and jumps me. I fall and my Barbie hits the glass vase. I quickly stood up gasping at the mess I made. "Is your mom going to be mad?" He asked. I wasn't sure if she was. I told him to leave and I quickly hide in my room.

The doorbell rang. I knew it was my mom. I didn't get up to open it. Then I hear the door open and slamed. I hear footsteps coming close to me and A gasp. I closed my eyes tightly wishing it was a dream. "Yuleeee....yuleeee...yuleeee where are you?! I'm going to find you and your going to regret it" She open the door and right there and then the belt came in contact with my skin I scream in pain and she quickly sticks a sock in my mouth. She still hitting me, until she stops. "That's for my mom vase, how did you knock it down?!" She demand for answers. 

"Well I had my friend over and he jumped me-" I was interrupted " you broke my mothers vase for a little boy! I knew it you are a slut, a whore! You did that just so a boy can come over and probably fuck you up. You fucking slut!" An with that she left.

*end of flash back*

"That was the last time she called me that and the first time I got really hit, and the first time I got called names" I tell Justin. He grabs my hand squeezing it tightly. "I'm sorry" he whispered. I nooded. I didn't know how to one has ever told me sorry.

"Sorry Yulema, but I will find another nick name. Trust me I will" he words they felt so confident. How was he so sure of something? Of everything? He just seemed so confident? Total opposite of me. He quickly gets off the floor and stands up. I'm laying on the floor looking up to him. "what?" I asked very confused "the floors to cold can I lay with you?" I panicked. Great he's going to start touching and then intimate then sex. No what do I do? Then it came to me, "sure lay in the bed." He climbs over me and slowly lays down. I feel his hand making his way around my waist and i quickly move. No I didn't move over, I got up and layed on the floor. "Yulema I'm sorry, it was so tempting I couldn't stop. Please I'll turn the other way just don't sleep on he floor" he begged knowing his mistake. "Who said I was going to sleep?" I quietly whispered.


I ended up falling asleep! I wake up panicking, what if he touch me? What if he raped me? Molest? And if he did am I pregnant? I quickly stand up from the hard floor. "Uhh" I groan from my back pain. I look at my bed to see such a empty bed. What? Where he go? Why he leave? The window was close. Did he leave or is he somewhere else? I walked out of my room to see her standing.

"Well it was nice meeting you. I hope you have a good life and you tell my grandson that I was a great mom to you-" I cut her off "mom? You? Yeah right I'll make sure to tell him/her that her mother went through hell with they're grandma"

"Listen here little girl! You tell that kid that you lived an amazing life and that you never had the courage to tell me about it, and you left!"

"No I'll make sure it knows the whole truth. But for now I'm not worrying about that."

"Why is that?"

"Because..." I paused " I'm not like you sleeping with the first guys who came to me. I actually keep my distance and avoided any contact!" Before I realize it she slaps me across my face

"Don't you ever, EVER! Talk to me like that. I should of aborted you! You ruined my life and I hope you go to hell" tears come down my face I go back inside my room and try to find anything even a piece of paper. Luckily I found an index card. Blood shows before my eyes.

Fuck her! Fuck that women! She ruined my life. I hate seeing her face every day! I'm actually quite happy moving away. The things she told me, she never mention wanting to abort me. How can someone consider killing such an innocent baby? The blood keep dropping and this time I let it drip. I didn't stop it from getting on the sheets. I didn't give a flying fuck! I was a fly compare to any human in this world. With her I was a ant and she was Godzilla.


I arrived to school in the same type of clothes. Red hoodie and cheetah leggings. I arrived to first period early, Since my mom didn't want to see my face anymore she told me to leave to school and only come back to get my stuff then leave for good. I am freaking out because of Justin. I never found out where he went, or anything. The first bell rang and people started coming in. They all looked at me at surprise. Ohh god was it because I'm earlie or because Justin said something or because of the principle?

"Wow she's earlie? That's the first"

"Did you here? She is going to be called to the principle office"

"I heard her mom was a hooker"

My breathes started to get heavy and heavy, as I over heard every single comment about me. I hated to be the talk of he school. Why was it always me?

The second bell rang, meaning your tarty. But Justin is still not here.

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