Chapter 2: Family Dinner

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"Lara, we're having dinner later with John's family at the restaurant near the beach. Be sure to look your best" mom told me with a smile.

"what do you mean by looking my best? We'll just have a family dinner right? Why bother dressing up? It's like we do this all the time when they're here." I murmured.

"Just look your best and put a little make up. You'll see. We'll tell you later." She smiles weirdly and I was really confused with the look.

"what's with the look mom..." I shouted as she lives the room.

After an hour, mom came back to pick me up in my room.

"Honey, are you ready?" She said.

"yeah mom. Coming" I grab my beach scarf because I know it will be a little chilly in there. I was wearing a floral beach shorts like 15 inches long from my waist line and a semi body fit V neck black shirt. I wore a little bit of mascara which puff up my brown eyes and a red lip tint that will complete the look.

"what are you wearing? It's like you're everyday look. I told you to look your best." mom said raising her left eyebrow.

"what do you mean by that? do you expect me to wear? A gown? what's so special about this dinner anyway? It's like we were just eating." I said.

"Okay fine! let's go" she went off first and I followed her. Dad meet us outside the hotel.

After a short walk we reached the restaurant and Johns family was waiting, sitting near the beach shore table. I can see him wearing black beach shorts and a white v neck shirt that's a little big for his size but dam he's so hot. Wait! What am I saying. Lara! Stop!

"hey!" he said and stood up, grabbing the chair next to him smiling showing his dimples. He was like a true gentleman. Why is he doing that?

"hey. Thank you!" I replied and sit down as I watch my parents and his parents smiling weirdly.

"okay what's up?" I told everyone.

"let's just order our dinner? Shall we?" John's dad said and called the waiter.

After 20 minutes of eating and chatting, dessert is served.

"Okay let's get to the most important part of this dinner" John's mom said.

John and I raised our eyebrows with a questioning look.

"okay. we know that you two get along with each other very well" my dad said.

"so we decided ..." Johns dad continued.

"that you two will get married!" they all said together and smile happily except John and I. We were like "are you insane?" we both shouted.

"no we aren't" dad, mom and John's parents said. I mean mom loved me very much she's like 'I don't know what to do if you go away' and she agreed to this bullsh*t?

"dad?" we both shouted to our dads

"John, Lara you two will get married." John's mom said.

"but I can't tita, I'm just 16 and...." I tried explain.

"don't worry Lara. All you have to do is marry our son" John's dad continued.

"mom, dad? You agreed to this? How about college?" I ask them with a teary eye but I keep it from falling.

"Lara, you can still continue college and live your separate lives until you reach the right age." John's dad stated.

"why marry now if we're not at right ages yet?" john stated.

"it's an assurance that you two will end up with each other." John's dad said.

"what's with the assurance? What if we don't want to marry each other?" I said and John looked at me.

"that's why you two will get married now. So that in the future you two will probably like each other, I mean you two are friends. Right?" John's mom said.

"yes. FRIENDS do you even know what 'FRIENDS' mean? Huh!" I higher my voice a little to prove my point.

"Lara!" mom said.

"Please mom, dad don't make us do the things we don't want. Especially Lara, she's the nicest girl I've ever met. She's my friend." John said while leaning on the chair and taking a deep breath.

"yeah! I mean he's my best friend, He's like a brother." I supported him. He look at me with a blank look and look back at his parents.

"Well Lara, I will just say this once. You will marry John or forget about college." dad said with a threating look.

"What? You know it's my dream to be an engineer dad and your taking it to me? So If I forget college what will I do with my life?" I said with a cracking voice and tears roll down my cheeks continuously.

"We're not taking it away from you honey. All we want is for you and John to get married" John's mom replied.

"How can I continue college if I'm married? It will ruin everything" I raise my voice and John just stares at me like he wants to comfort me but not saying anything.

"No! it will not ruin anything. If you two will get married, you can decide anything for your future." Mom said.

"All we want is for you two to get married and the rest is up to you. You two can live your own life. After you both reached your dreams, you still have each other." dad continued.

"I'll decide tomorrow. I just need to breath" I told them and walk away from them. I can't believe this! This is absurd! It's not that I don't like John but for heavens sake. We're so young! And by young, we just graduated high school.

While I was walking along the beach shore far from them, they continue to talk and I heard foot steps following me.

Who could it be? Should I run?


My FRIEND. My BIAS. My HUSBAND? (CNBLUE-Jonghyun)Where stories live. Discover now