Part Seven

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HAY GUYS. Okay so just something I want to mention is that these chapters are short I know. I want them to be short. I try to make them under 500 words. I want this to be something that you can read quickly and I can update quickly. And it's just a fun little fanfic to help me get acquainted with writing. :)
I imagine Rachel in this story to look like Camila Cabello :)

Harry's POV:

When I see her walking up to me I take a quick drink from my cup. I'm going to need a buzz to deal with her tonight.

"Harry I didn't know you were supposed to be here!! How fun is this gonna be!"

Her high pitched voice could make cats run from her.

"Hey Rachel." I say with as little excitement as I can.

She takes my hand and starts pulling me into the other room.

I catch Niall grinning at me and I mouth the words "fuck you" as I pass him.

There's drunk people everywhere. Girls dancing with girls. A couple guys leaned up against the wall talking to each other. There's a game of beer pong going on.

And I have to be stuck with Rachel.

She takes me into a corner of the living room and sits me down on the end of a fireplace before sitting herself on my lap.

"Comfortable?" I ask her.

"Course babe." She gives me a smile which tells me she doesn't catch onto my sarcasm at all.

She's got her own drink in hand as she looks at me and kisses me on the cheek.

She leans back giving me space to breathe but also allowing herself to take a drink.

"So tell me, this kid Louis? You're staying at his house?"


Here we go.

"But whyyy? You know you can always come stay with me."

She puts her hands around my neck and starts to kiss my neck.

She's had way too much to drink.

"My mum wants me to stay with him. And I don't really have any money to stay on my own."

She pulls away from my neck and looks at me. I can tell she doesn't care at all about what I'm saying. She has other things in mind.

She reaches her hand down to my belt and tries to undo it.

"No" I tell her, my voice comes out a little more forceful than I expect when she looks back at me and furrows her brows and frowns.

"But Harry..."

She begins to object but I cut her off. Any other night I would have been the first to go into another room with her, but I just wasn't feeling it tonight.

"I don't have anything with me." I lie.

"You know I'm on the pill. I told you to stop wearing those a month ago."

Yeah right. And risk having a baby with her. Frightening.

"Sorry Rach. Gotta take a rain check on the sex."

I pull her up off my lap and place her in a seat close by. She's not happy but I really don't care. She's may be hot but she's too intoxicated and I'm not gonna be her babysitter.

"Talk to you later Harry!" She yells as I walk away.

I look around for Niall and it's not a surprise when I find him playing beer pong.

"Yeah that's what I'm talking about!" He's yelling at some kid that just lost.

"Hey Niall?" I say walking up to him.

He turns to look at me and grabs me around my shoulder and gives me a hug.

"Harry you need to get it on this game man I'm crushing it!"

Everyone at the party has had way more alcohol than I have.

"I'm gonna head out." I tell him.

"Oh alright man thanks for coming."

I walk towards the front door and when I make my way out to my car I look at my watch.

2:30 am

I should probably head back now.

I walk to my car and get in shutting the door behind me. I turn the ignition on and put my car into drive.

As I make my way out of Niall's neighborhood an idea pops into my head. Instead of turning left towards Louis house, I take a right...

OH AND!!! You guys have gotten this story to over 600 reads like do you know how insane that is YOU GUYS ARE SUPER HUMAN

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