Part Thirty Eight

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One month later...

Harry's POV:

"Hey Lou, do you want the extra eggs that are left over?"

When I look at him he's sitting on the bar stool with a fork up to his mouth.

"Um I think I'm good." He says as he's got a mouthful of eggs.

I chuckle and I scrape the eggs onto my plate and I walk over to the seat next to him.

"So are you excited?"  I look at him and his emotions show it all on his face.

We have discussed this before and I know almost immediately what he's going to say and what he really means but I wait for him to tell me himself.

"I'm...nervous." He turns his head to look at me and the emotions are shown in his eyes.

"Nervous is to be expected." I scoot my chair closer and I put my hand over his on the counter.

He responds and turns so we are facing each other. He takes my hands in his and I look at him and wait for him to say something.

"I'm just, I dont know how she will react." He says to me.

"Your mum loves you Louis. And both our mums are best friends so we can tell them both together." When I look at him he's still looking at the floor.

I knew today would be rough.

"Will you finish your eggs, please?" I ask him and he scrunches his nose.

It's taken a little time for him to get used to eating.

It's taken a lot of time to get used to everything.

When I brought Louis home from the hospital I knew things weren't going to be the same between us.

I wasn't going to leave anymore and I knew I was going to have to take care of Louis. Which I didn't mind of course.

But he still had trouble eating food and getting good sleep at night.

I usually end up laying down next to him and holding him before he falls asleep.

Sometimes he cries.

He hasn't told me everything that happened while I was gone. I don't ask him, unless he brings it up to me.

It was a dark time for the both of us, but after we came home from the hospital I've been with him every step of them way.

And now our mums are coming back home today and it will be the end of the two months I've had with him.

The Louis I knew two months ago is not the same Louis I am looking at now.

As he's sitting on the bar stool picking at a fringe on his sleeve I can see the nervousness in his eyes.

"We are still telling them together?" I ask him.

He looks up at me.

"Ye-yeah...together." He gives me a smile.

"I love you." I look at him as I speak. His eyes look into mine and he starts to get teary eyed.

"I love you." He says to me.

"Why are you crying babe?" I wrap my arms around him with his head resting on my chest.

"I love you, Harry. And you mean so much to me. And I don't know why someone could ever love me like you love me. And it makes me cry because I love you so much."

"Shhh, I know you do Lou." I rub his back and let him cry into my chest until he's calm again.

"Do you wanna sit on the couch and wait for them to get home?" I ask him.


Walking over to the couch almost has a weird feeling. This is where everything started. Both of us sitting on this couch together.

It was him on one side and me on the other. But things have changed so much since then and now this handsome boy is mine and I have him in my arms again.

As always I lay down on the couch and he lays onto of me. His head resting against my chest.

As Louis drifts off into sleep I try to soak this moment up as much as I can. Because I know within a few hours the alone time we've had together will be up. Two months with him will have already passed.

wow it only took me a month to update. This story is over, sadly. I might start another short fic around Christmas break which is in a few months. I might do a small fic during fall break. I'm not sure.

I'm so thankful for all your support and reads and votes. It means everything to me.

I hope you've liked the story and your Larry heart is relieved. :)


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