Part Twenty

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Louis' POV:

"Can we talk?" He says to me.

Oh god.

"Yeah, sure. What's up" just keep it casual don't let him see that you're freaking out inside.

"Um it's about last night?" He says to me.

"Oh about that girl? It's totally fine man I told you you could invite whoever you wanted." Smooth Louis.

"Uh not actually her, um do you remember what happened last night?"

He's looking at me like he's desperate for me to say it.

"Yeah you were kinda a little drunk so I don't expect you to remember but we drove home and we both kinda just went our separate ways and went to bed. At least I went to sleep I'm not really in charge of what you do you know. You can like do what you want and stuff I'm not in charge of you."

I'm stumbling over my words and this is getting awkward.

"No I mean do you remember what happened after we came home?"

Harry's POV:

"No I mean do you remember what happened after we came home?" I ask him.

Damn it why doesn't he just fucking say it?

I can tell he's nervous and he's tip toeing around every question.

I hate being the one who's puking out feelings but if he's not gonna say it I will.

I readjust myself so I'm now sitting across from him on the couch looking at him.

He turns his head to look at me.

"I don't think I know what you're talking about." He says.


"I think we both know what happened last night."

"It was just a drunken mistake." He looks down in his lap.

Clearly this is uncomfortable for him but I didn't drink four cups of coffee in preparation for this moment just so he could act like nothing happened.

"Okay look, what happened last night was not a drunken mistake. At least not to me."

He stops messing with the end of his shirt and he looks up at me.

"Really?" Something like relief or confusion covers those words and I'm not sure which one it was.

I let out a big sigh before getting up from the couch.

"Look, I'm not really good at this. I don't really do this." I tell him.

Okay Harry focus on what you need to say.

"I've been dealing with these...emotions I guess...for the past few months. And I guess the alcohol kind of gave me some balls last night. And I can't totally say what made me kiss you."

I look at him for his reaction and he's still looking at me, waiting for me to continue.

"And I guess what I'm trying to say is yes I fucking kissed you and I didn't totally hate it."

"Hate it?" He says to me.

"Is that all you can say about how you tried to suck my face off? You didn't totally hate it?" He's laughing at me.

Is he really trying to make me mad at him right now.

"If I didn't know you Harry I would say that you have a crush on me."

What the fuck?

"A crush? On you?" Now I'm the one laughing.

He didn't think that was so funny when he crosses his arms and looks down.

I walk back over to the couch and sit at the end opposite him.

"Can you answer something for me?" I say to him.

"Yeah." He says.

"Did you like it just as much as I did?"

This is the moment that I've been dreading. I look at him and wait for his response. He's not looking at me so I can't fucking tell what he's about to say.

"Yeah. I did." He says.

Relief washes over me like I've never felt before.


it was really hard to write this chapter. I know it was the big thing everyone has been looking forward too and it would have been so easy to have them make out again but I wanted to keep this as original to Harry and Louis character and I planned from the beginning. Hopefully the story can get a little more fun from here on out :)

PS I am really sorry about all the cliffhangers guys haha. I really just don't know how to end things without wanting you guys to want more at the end of each chapter.

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