Chapter 1

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Brittany Pierce was as innocent as they came. Internally, she was an All-American kind of girl with hopes, passions and goals as every other seventeen-year-old would have. However, instead of worrying if she had made that perfect speech in front of a crowd of sanctimonious class mates, the one that would win her votes for this year's homecoming queen. Brittany would worry about if she'd be able to answer the most mundane questions that would be asked each and every day. What were her plans for that night? What did she think about that one movie? Did she think that guy was cute?Brittany would always keep her answers short and vague, to dodge any disdainful looks or smart mouthed remarks that may be fired her way. She was lucky; most people tended to avoid her in general but when they did approach the fearful blonde, it was out of unkindness to provoke a reaction they could mock.

Brittany, got a date for Homecoming?


Why not? Can't find one?

"I don't want to go."

There's no boy you'd like to take?


You'd rather be alone?


What if we dragged you out? What if we put our hands on yours; skin on skin... Then we drag you from your lonely and pathetic hole that you've been cooped up in. Would you comeout and play then?

The girls at her previous school where far too egotistical to show any empathy towards Brittany, especially with her condition. Asperger's Syndrome was life consuming for her, she was trapped and felt claustrophobic in her own self and Brittany's only wish at seventeen was to finally burst out, or find the courage to even try. But with her crippling life at St. Mary's, it only meant taking one step forward and two steps back.

Brittany found it almost impossible every time to have a civil conversation with someone, without boring the listener by divulging into her own bottomless pit of obsessions by blurting out endless remarks regarding the beauty of biology and nature; her forte and only muse. Many addressed her vague remarks towards questions as offensive and insensitive, which ultimately left Brittany embarrassed so she avoided much conversation all together. Brittany would keep her head down to discourage any eyes that were hunting for a little guinea pig like herself to play with and when she was spoken to, she'd usually have an answer with less than three words or even as short as three syllables.

Truth be known, Brittany Pierce was the most honest girl that anybody could have ever met. She was a girl who was brought up in a generation full of lies and disloyalty. Her classmates couldn't stand the fact that none of the teachers could put a bad word to her name and was frowned up on for taking on reality and not living in some superficial universe up in her head like the rest of the girls did. The girls of St. Mary's were jealous because Brittany Susan Pierce kept it real when the rest of the world was turning to shit.

One unfortunate night, Brittany's mother, Grace had to draw the line when some of girls at her daughter's boarding school plotted against Brittany and sabotaged her. She was called late by the head mistress regarding Brittany who had been involved in an incident and suffered a severe panic attack. It turned out that the girls had pinned Brittany down on her bunk when she was sleeping and started ticking her skin which caused an unforeseen reaction for both the students and teachers.

Part of Brittany's condition, as rare as it was, meant that she also suffered from having Aphephobia - meaning the she had a phobia of being touched. For Brittany, it was solely skin to skin contact and her parents wondered if it had something to do with their daughter being on the autism spectrum but the doctors dispelled such theory and instead related it to anxiety issues. The days Brittany started to realise as a kid that she was different from everyone else were the days she began to stop putting her trust in others and she was never the same since.

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