Chapter 9

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She drunkly gazed up at the stars, admiring how unique and solitary they were but appreciated that they were all out for her tonight. Some burned brighter and others sparkled in reds and blues. Each star had important significance to her. Each star represented a part of something she longed to have. For years she studied the sky yet every time she couldn't feel any less hypnotised by the powerful orbs. Sometimes she felt hope, that maybe one day she could shine as bright as they did. Other days, when she felt her darkest, she would gaze up at the stars and find comfort within them. Even if they were billions of light years away from each other, she couldn't dispute that every night they gathered in the same spot to fill the sky and shine together. They reminded her that she wasn't the only person in the world who felt alone and a lot of the time there were people before her who had it much more worse. Tonight however, she felt something new, something raw. Her eyes grazed over Orion's constellation and she immediately felt a fire spark inside her that warmed her heart and all she could think about was Santana. Santana Lopez was one person out of seven billion in the world and she could have searched beyond the galaxy to find someone like her but she didn't have to, she was right at home. Santana was her star and even though she couldn't explain such a feral emotion that began to rise in the pit of her stomach, she could feel it grow rapidly. Brittany was falling for her and she didn't even realise it.

"Santana is wonderful. She's... she's... Beautiful." Was all that Brittany could say as she watched the stars collide and mesh as the alcohol she had consumed earlier started to put her in a euphoric state. The boy with the Mohawk had whispered something in reply, but her attention had drifted off with the milky way. That was until her view was blocked by his silhouette that slowly inched nearer to her. It was slow, her mind was frozen and all she could see was the darkness beginning to consume her vision and before she could even gather what was happening, she felt his warm lips press against hers.

It took a couple of seconds to react due to the alcohol, but when she did, her focus jilted straight out of the clouds and back on to earth yet by that time, the boy had already tried to deepen the kiss. Even though the panic sent an arrow piercing straight through her lungs, causing her to catch her breath in her throat, her body worked against her brain and went frigid, each muscle locked and cramped up and the only sign of conflict was the salty tears that formed in her eyes as the boy kissed past her jaw and down her neck. His hands travelled to her waist to form a tighter grip and where his thumb brushed a patch of bare skin from underneath her jacket, it sent her body into a flaming rage.

Her fists tightened until the whites of her bones were transparent at the knuckles, her body jerked violently against him before a strangled cry for help escaped her lips. She shut her eyes tightly, trying to shut out what was happening as well as shutting out the rest of the world. Only her scream for help kept pulling her back into reality. She didn't want to be there. She didn't want to be anywhere. She flipped until her face dug into the grass while her body shook at the response of the boys touch, her throat ached as if she had swallowed a thousand needles and her veins burned with poison from his kiss. A crowd began to gather around the girl who cried for help and shortly after, another girl pushed past in a panic to witness what she had feared the most.

Santana finds Brittany writhing in a foetus position with her face in the dirt before her eyes settle on Puck, hovering over her, face white and brain dead.

"What the fuck did you do to her!" Santana screeched, marching out of the crowd and into the middle of the scene. Puck raises his hands to his side in defence and backs away from menacing look that fills in Santana's face.

"I... I didn't do anything... She. She just went crazy man!" Puck stutters, trying to recollect what had just happened. Santana however wasn't hearing any of it, her face hardened further and her teeth pierced into her tongue, causing nothing but the taste of venom to pour in her mouth. She saw red, the most sinister and corrupt shade of red that she could ever encounter. She strikes puck sharply around his cheek with her palm and pushes him out of reach from Brittany, who continued to blubber on the ground.

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