Chapter 7

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"Does it hurt?"

"Sometimes. Have you ever been so angry that it feels like your own blood begins to boil inside and nothing but fire courses through your body? Does it hurt? Sometimes. But when it does, it's excruciating."


"Yes, Brittany?"

Santana opens her eyes after Brittany remains silent as well as the rest of the world. The light is dazzling and causes Santana to squint under nothing but whiteness. A cool breeze sails across her skin that gently kisses away the aches that feeds at her body. She swiftly glides her hands across the ground that she lies on and can feel the bristles from the grass tickle at her palms.

"Brittany, where are you?" She asks.

"I'm right here." Brittany whispers softly that's almost like an echo in Santana's ear. Santana flutters her eyelashes, trying to take in as much sunlight as she can without being blinded by the brilliant light. Luckily, her head is cushioned and soon she feels a pair of hands gently stroke the raven ringlets away from her face. As the threads of hair fall away, Santana catches a glimpse of Brittany hovering above her, smiling down. She looked even more beautiful than Santana could remember; her porcelain skin glows radiantly and her teal-crystal eyes pierce right through Santana's soul.

"Does it hurt now?" Brittany asks, biting her lip while she grazes her thumb gently across Santana's cheek. Santana closes her eyes and exhales peacefully.

"Not any more." Santana smiles.

"Santana?" Brittany asks again.


"Let me take the pain away..."

Santana opens her eyes for the second time, only this time she does so with a lot more effort as tiredness suddenly springs up on her. She blinks the sleep away from the corners of her eyes only to find that she's back in Brittany's room, curled up next to the window where the sunlight washes over her. She turns away from the vivid light that burns her vision. She was only dreaming after all and yet, she could still feel a warm trail lingering along her cheek where she though Brittany had touched her. She turns back around to gaze out of the window and notices that she left her own still open. A knot starts to form at the pit of her stomach causing her to look over to the bed where Brittany lies sound asleep, looking so much at peace that Santana was afraid to move an inch in case she woke. However, looking back to her window again, she knew what she had to do.

"Santana?" Brittany mumbles loudly in her sleep, causing her to stir awake. She stares at the ceiling for a moment before remembering last nights encounter with Santana and the way she managed to set Brittany's whole body alight by a single touch of a feather. It was like magic, it was euphoric and even in the early hours of the morning; Brittany can't help but grin widely under her blanket. 'That's what it really feels like to be seduced...' Santana's voice replays in her head. Brittany closes her eyes again to relive the memory; the way Santana looked at Brittany with dark, predatory eyes. The way she hissed out the words like whiskey and chocolate and the way the edge of her mouth curled with up with each roll of her tongue. Again, Brittany feels her heart beginning to beat quicker as the images flash through her mind. She flicks her eyes open again and looks back to the ceiling, trying to shake such thoughts. She turns her head and takes a quick gaze around the room; and notices that Santana's presence was still missing since she bailed out on her last night. Brittany rubs away the tiredness with her fists and takes another hard look around the bedroom to make sure that she was definitely alone. When she does, she can't help but feel disappointed. She wonders if Santana had even bothered to come back? Was she embarrassed about what happened? Or did she just have seconds thoughts about the whole thing? For Brittany, there was still so much more explore with Santana; this was only the beginning for her and if that was what Santana called being seduced, then Brittany had definitely been left wanting for more.

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