Chapter 4

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Santana huddles up on the lonely park bench, bending her legs and hugging her knees. The air is icier tonight, sending cold whispers down the back of her neck and causing Goosebumps to appear on her arms. Her eyes never leave Brittany's silhouette that is cast under the brilliant moon, illuminating the whole park. Brittany sits on the swing and pushes herself back and forth softly, causing the metal from the chains to creak and moan. Her blonde hair looks silver under the transcendent light, and her skin glows immaculately whenever she leans back. No words are spoken between the two girls for a good twenty minutes as Santana watches her on the swing; sitting alone, fragile and ghostly yet mesmerising as if she were an angel. It wouldn't come as a surprise to Santana if she was just imagining this and in reality, Brittany never actually existed. After all, this week had definitely been out of the ordinary. Maybe it got to the point where Santana just had enough of her mother, always bickering and burdening her down to Santana's own self deprivation. Maybe she gave up on school because she was incapable of trying to suit everyone else bar herself. Maybe her heart just left when her father did, and she was just now realising. There's a point in life when you're stuck at two roads; the first road is where the sun beams down, flowers are springing in all colours of the rainbow and it's the one you've always known to walk down; it was the familiar path. The other road was the darker path, full of doubt yet the most desirable. It's the one that changes your life right around. And for some reason, people always found themselves walking down the darker road. Was Santana there? She looks back at Brittany who was still swinging. Was Brittany leading her down the darker path?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Brittany asks as her swinging comes to a halt. Santana breaks out from her thoughts and decides to avoid the question.

"How are the stars over there?" She replies instead. The duo still had not spoken about their previous encounter in Brittany's bedroom; they just walked in silence until they ended up at the park. Both girls were afraid to admit their problems and thus agreed to wait until they were in a comfortable place. Brittany looks up at the night sky and squints under the moon.

"They're definitely out tonight, it's a shame there's so much light around. They would have been wonderful to watch." Brittany ponders before swinging again. Santana nods to herself then smiles. Maybe tonight she wouldn't have to take either path. And instead, she decides to walk down a third, one that she hadn't taken in a while.

"C'mon." Santana replies. "There's something I wanna show you." Brittany stops swinging again and waits for reassurance from Santana who can only gloat at her hesitation. "Trust me?" She asks. Brittany finally nods and follows Santana as she moves away from the bench to the exit, as they leave the play park side by side.

The girls don't speak much during their journey to wherever Santana was taking them, apart from 'Watch out' and 'Step over here' as they descend in to a dark forest that was filled with ghoulish tails by the rumour mill, where Santana could have been as lost as Brittany. As they journey deeper into the wood, eeriness begins to creep around like a panther preying on its helpless victim.

"Do you know where we're going?" Brittany asks, a little shaken. Santana stops and inspects her surroundings.

"I think so? These woods aren't that big, I'm sure we'll find it sooner or later." She shivers, getting a lot colder now. Brittany fans her face and takes a seat on a large rock beside her. "You okay?" Santana asks. Brittany just nods and puffs out a burst of air.

"I'm just hot with this sweater on." She sniffs as she takes the piece of clothing off.

"Really? I'm freezing! I could sure use something like that." Santana debates, rubbing her arms.

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