Chapter 19

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The rain sets in harder than ever before tonight and the grand evergreens no longer seek to reach the sky as they hunch over in the howling wind. The lake's tide crashes against the cobbles on the beach and waves splay out like arms reaching for the shore. However, Brittany and Santana are nowhere in sight.

It is the first New Years the streets have emptied of people so quickly after midnight since the bellowing thunder literally crashes the whole party. Water runs ankle deep and some parts of the neighbourhood flood as the rain continues to pelt down from the black skies, with no intention of stopping any time soon.

Although, through the pouring rain and battering winds, the silhouette of two girls latching tightly onto one another can be seen as they carefully hurry down the pathway leading out from the forest. Every time a crash of lighting illuminates the sky, their faces can be seen flinching as they duck their heads away from the icy rain which stings their skin.

The porch door creaks open and it takes all of the girls' strength to stop the door from swinging fully open in the wind. Their teeth chatter violently in synchronisation as they finally make their way inside Brittany's house. Although the storm outside continues to rage on, for once it's to their advantage. It must be much into the early hours of the morning and if Brittany's parents were to wake up and see what state they are in, then there would definitely have to be some rules set in place, and Santana has never been good with rules.

"I c-can't feel anything..." Santana shivers as they kick off their sodden, water-logged shoes. "My hands are b-blue!"

Brittany peels back her soaked mittens and wrings them out in her hands, ignoring the puddle that she makes at her feet.

"Why d-do we always get wet together? It's such a crazy coincidence," Brittany wonders as she rubs her hands together for friction in an attempt to heat them up.

"Wanky..."Santana replies in a low hushed voice, peeking out of the door to watch the storm erupt right above the house. "D'you think if we got struck by lightning, it would warm us up?"

"If you mean warm us up by completely frying us to our death then yes, most definitely," Brittany replies as she joins Santana at the door, watching as bright flashes of light bounce off the clouds.

"If we didn't get pneumonia the last two times then we definitely will this time, I can p-practically feel the water gurgling around in my lungs," Santana fusses as she shudders with the cold.

"Shh," Brittany whispers and places her index finger across Santana's lips. Santana looks at her finger with crossed eyes before looking up to Brittany and grinning. At least there is one good thing that comes out of this all, and it is definitely worth getting pneumonia for. "Let's go upstairs," Brittany suggests and takes a hold of Santana's hand, interlocking their fingers before they make their way through the darkness where the storm is the only source of light.

Despite the deafening disturbance from outside, James and Grace still manage to remain sound asleep and Brittany agrees with Santana that it is the best idea not to wake them up, in case they couldn't get back down again. She will just have to tell them the exciting news in the morning.

The girls stumble into the bedroom, still high from their time together at the lake and even though they are beyond drenched and dangerously freezing, nothing can shake their mood. They share small pecks as they attempt to peel off their jackets, but for Santana and her cast, she deems it as rather impossible.

"Brittany," She mumbles as she walks backwards until her ankles hit the end of the bed.

"Mhmm," Brittany sighs, pressing her lips gently against Santana's again although they still tingle from the cold.

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