Chapter 6

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AN: [SPOILER] If anyone hasn't seen A Walk to Remember or Definitely, Maybe - then the endings are kinda revealed in this chapter, ha! Thanks for your reviews :)


Santana scrunches up the paper napkin in her lap before tearing it into small cotton-like shreds. While at the opposite end of the table, Brittany patiently and delicately folds her napkin into a miniature sized bird-like shape and carefully places it next to her glass on the table. Santana takes a sneaky peek towards Brittany's skilled attempt at origami before looking back to her lap again, underwhelmed by her own muddled up creation.

"Nice swan." She compliments.

"It's not a swan." Brittany replies, bringing the glass of soda to her lips and taking a generous gulp. "It's a duck." She corrects Santana, wiping her mouth against her sleeve. Santana glances at the paper bird again and squints hard. "Do you like it?" She asks in a coy manner but Santana just purses her lips and shrugs.

"It looks more like a swan to me." She disputes. Brittany glares at her through narrowed eyes but Santana just smirks and takes Brittany's reaction as a compliment. It had been too long since Santana had received a castigated look from someone else. It was an obsession, it thrilled Santana when she was able to harmlessly vex a person by something she said, it was verbal foreplay to her. Santana picks up her fork and stabs it into the steamed carrot in front of her, causing the metal to screech painfully against the plate like gravel causing Brittany to shudder. She brings the vegetable to her mouth, biting down on it slowly with her eyes never parting from Brittany's. Brittany leans back in her seat, confounded by Santana's enticing expression as if she were about to leer her in to some sort of duel. Santana tilts her chin down and looks at Brittany through her thick lashes with a dark-humoured smile forming at the corner of her lips.

"Santana?" Brittany asks warily. Santana tilts her head again, this time exposing more of her neck as she carries on chewing, declining to answer, it was far too entertaining not too. "Is it... Is it y-your intention to... Uhh." Brittany reaches out and grabs her duck origami and pulls it to her lap nervously. "Are you... Um." She takes the soft material in her left hand and crushes it against her palm, causing the shape of the bird to become disfigured under her tight grip. She swallows hard and can feel the blood burn hot from under her cheeks that spreads to her ears like wildfire. "But why are you even looking at me like that?" Brittany questions, feeling more flustered by the second. Santana almost laughs out, but years of practice meant that she still had it in her to wheedle ones emotions by just one look. "ARE YOU TRYING TO SEDUCE ME?" Brittany blurts out. Santana's eyes grow wide in surprise at the impetuous accusation, and takes in a gust of air, causing the carrot to fall at the back of her throat and making her to choke out frantically.

"Anybody care for some desert? It's apple crumble and cre-ee-am!" Grace bursts out excitedly as she dances into the dining area, fully equipped with a Naked Chef apron and oven gloves. Santana continues to spurt out, reaching for her empty glass, face red and tears collecting in her eyes. "Oh lord, are you okay, Santana?" Grace asks in her usual Tinkerbell-high voice. Santana shakes her head, clearly panic-stricken and covering her mouth, motioning over to Brittany that she she needed a drink by flapping her hand around in front of her. Grace flies and takes Brittany's glass and shoots her daughter a questioning look, Brittany just shrugs her shoulders before Grace hands the glass to Santana who downs the soda in three impressive gulps. Santana pants out for a good minute or so as she tries to regain her breath and wants nothing more to mush her face in her dinner with embarrassment. Santana was beginning to think that Brittany had some sort of unknown reverse psychological power that backlashed, like throwing a boomerang far out into space only for it to return and hit you square in the balls. Every single time. She thinks to herself. She wonders how impressed the girl Santana was a week ago would have been. She most certainly would have laughed, teased her about not having any 'game' and undoubtedly would have pantsed her one way or another. With the heat radiating from Santana's face, she might as well had been.

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