Chapter 2

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A/N I'm sorry it took so long, but as requested here it is...
Chapter 2 :)

An escapade of nightly terrors causes Brittany to stir in her sleep. Flashbacks from St. Mary's creep into her mind and plant seeds, soiling her dreams with fears that wriggle like worms through her body. She shudders, trying to shake off the memories but it's the girlish laughter which echo's like sirens that causes her to cry out in the middle of the night. She kicks and punches the air, trying to fight off the invisible hands that grope and caress her body and In a final attempt to break out from her subconscious hell, she digs her nails deep into her arm and jolts wide awake.

Her breath catches in her throat causing her to choke and spurt out cries before she sits up in the dark, rocking back and forth and feeling numb from fright until her senses and surroundings start to prickle away at her skin. Her breathing is erratic and tears well up in the corner of her eyes as a cold sweat glazes across her body. It wasn't every night that Brittany would have nightmares about her previous school at St. Mary's. She'd even pray to forget every time she closed her eyes to sleep and was usually rewarded. However, these cuts left scars and every other night; Brittany would have to endure the trauma one more time.

She rubs the aching spot that churns violently in her stomach and whimpers, flipping the duvet from above her and rolls out of bed. Spreading her feet on the soft carpet she stretches before she feels the morning head rush attack her senses. Brittany finds the glass of water that sits idle by her bedside cabinet and drinks it greedily while popping two prescription pills that hid in the drawer below. She swallows them without flinching and sighs when the glass becomes empty. In an attempt to cool down, she tip-toes across the bedroom to the open window where the calm breeze causes the hem of the curtains to sail across the wooden ledge as the leafs from the tree rustle in synchronisation.

Any trace of the night is replaced by the pink watercolour sky that dissolves into the morning sun's rays like sherbet. Brittany clambers up onto the ledge to face the sun rise, letting its warmth cuddle her as the breeze soothes out her skin.

"It was only a dream Brittany!" She tells herself. "Not reality. No more than a spontaneous outburst of electrical energy processing through my brain. No harm done... No harm done." She nods to herself, drawing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. It was no earlier than six in the morning and the rest of Ohio would be waking up soon. Brittany decides to take advantage of the serene atmosphere as the sun rises from the hills. A few lines from 'Gypsy Girl' replays in her head and her eyes automatically dart over to Santana's window. Santana... Brittany purses her lips in thought.

Even though Santana was the kind of girl that Brittany should avoid at all costs, there was something about the raven haired beauty that intrigued Brittany. She was intimidating; yes, and could kill ones confidence with her sinister smile; even by the way she looked alone. However, Brittany couldn't believe that she was all black cats and cauldrons. Listening to Santana sing last night struck a chord with Brittany and she couldn't put her finger on it; watching Santana treat the world as if it were her own where no one could interfere almost inspired Brittany. She admired Santana for embracing the freedom that she strived for so much despite their awkward first encounter the previous night.

The heat from the sun begins to itch away at Brittany's pale skin as she yawns and stretches some more before she moves to the shade of her room. Today was her first day of public high school and being naïve to the status quo, she should have been nervous but it was quite the contrary. Being the new kid would always be difficult at any school for anybody but luckily, McKinley was known to be crawling with personality where anyone would be able to find a group and mingle with them. Their guidance counsellor, Miss Pillsbury was also commended for her work with the students. She always made them feel welcome by catering to their needs with much care and attention or it said in the school programme. Brittany smiles to herself, burying any trace of last night's qualms in an attempt to stay enthusiastic for her day ahead.

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