Chapter 17

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There's something in the way the bed sheets crinkle as Santana rolls her head around on the pillow, trying to find a cold and comfortable spot. The texture of the fabric is poignant under her fingertips; soft, smooth yet crisp like a new Spring morning. She stretches out, taking advantage of the empty bed and sighs deeply, content with not having to get up early for once.

"Santana?" Brittany whispers.

"Shh..." Santana breathes into her pillow.

"But Santana it's time to get up!" Brittany giggles back.

"But it's so early!" She complains, digging her head deeper into the feathered pillow in an attempt to block out the light.

Brittany raises an eyebrow and looks to her digital clock that reads noon, then purses her lips, trying to come up with a plan; it was Christmas and Santana wasn't getting away that easy.

Surprisingly, silence ensues and Santana can once again bask in the glory that is lying in bed on a weekday past nine in the morning. Well, that is until something soft begins to tickle her nose, causing her to twitch, sniffle and scrunch up her face.

When she hears Brittany's childish chuckle from the other side of the bedroom, Santana is immediately puzzled as to what could be the offending and blatantly irritating nose tickler. Somehow, she couldn't picture Brittany receiving a feather duster with a ten foot handle for Christmas, so what ever it was invading her personal space, she didn't like it one bit.

"Are you going to open your eyes yet?" Brittany asks cheerily and Santana blows a puff of air out of her mouth, causing the tickle monster to retreat for a few moments. Unable to win, she rubs her eyes harshly and almost yells out a yawn.

"Okay, okay, I'm getting up," she sighs and stretched her arms once more. And slowly then proceeds to open her eyes, it isn't easy, and her tiredness makes it difficult to for her to keep her eyes open for longer than a few seconds. Still, however, she manages to peer through the offending light but all she can see is a dark blob hovering in front of her.

It takes a good couple of seconds for her to focus and when she does, she's met by a pair of bright green oval eyes staring just as curiously back. 'Meow.'

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?" Santana screeches, catapulting herself out of Brittany's bed, tumbling onto the floor and scrambles beside Brittany who stands at her door, spurting out with laughter.

"Isn't she adorable? Mom got me a her for Christmas!" Brittany beams down at Santana who glares wide eyed over to the bed as a little black ball of fluff that could easily fit inside her palm reveals itself from underneath the pillow, yelping out helplessly.

"I thought it was a dragon," Santana rests her hand over her heart, trying to catch her breath. Brittany scrunches up her nose at Santana for thinking such nonsense and then over to her new pet. The kitten rolls itself over to the edge of the bed, falling on her back as her legs kick around frantically. A harmless ball of fluff, that's all she was.

"How come you're so tired anyway?" Brittany begins to walk towards the bed before turning to the drawer at her bedside table. "We fell asleep at the same time."

Santana manages to gather herself to her feet and pats down her pyjamas as if nothing happened.

"Actually, I didn't get to sleep till a lot later," she replies with a sly smile on her face, taking one pink dressing gown from the hook of the door. "You see, I was having too much fun listening to you sleep talk," she cackles, throwing the gown over her shoulders.

Brittany pops two prescription pills from her medication box and throws them into her mouth, guzzling it down with the remains of Santana's overnight glass of water.

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