Chapter 22

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For every embrace the the two girls share, the harder it is for Brittany to let Santana go, and as they stand on the porch like they have done so many times before, it's almost impossible for Brittany to tear away this time. Too much has happened for her to just let it all go again. Ever since moving to Ohio, Brittany has accomplished things that she would never have imagined half a year ago: she is no longer the scared little girl that followed her feet all day, she is finally able to feel the world through her hands without the burden of a silly glove as well as finally being able to feel with her heart. She has fallen in love, despite all the ignorant naysayers and their stereotypical theories regarding people with Brittany's condition, her love for Santana only grows with each passing day, even when the world is sometimes cruel and unforgiving, like today... but the way she has felt about Santana never once altered and should they have to face any more of these days, Brittany knows that at least her love will stay the same.

"Light up, light up" Santana begins to sing quietly, nestling her head further into the crook of Brittany's neck, who can't help her lips from curling into a small smile when she feels Santana squeezing her tighter.

"As if you have a choice,
Even if you cannot hear my voice,
I'll be right beside you dear."

Santana stops there, and twists her head to look up to her girlfriend whose quirky smile stays smitten on her face.

"There you go, all better" Santana grins, softly raising her hand to tap the end of Brittany's nose playfully with her index finger. Brittany follows with her eyes until they are crossed as she stares down at her cold, pink nose.

Now give me a kiss," Santana mutters, taking a hold of the collar to Brittany's jacket before she pulls her down and plants a tender kiss on top of Brittany's lips. Brittany lingers on for as long as she can, holding Santana as if she were holding on for scraps. And when Santana's hot blooded lips finally part from Brittany's to take a breath, they still keep connected, grazing noses while their eyes search for each other before getting lost completely. Brittany's gripping, glassy eyes are endless. Untold stories lie in the midst of every blue tint like the deepest of oceans that crashes with Santana's which are as dark as the night's sky as well as the limitless galaxies beyond. It's where the epitome of their whole relationship lies, resting along the horizon and Brittany watches Santana, feeling with every fibre of her body and soon she's taken back to a time when the rolls were reversed.

"You remind me so much of my father; since the the first day when you played Gypsy Girl, you took me to that place where everything was okay. The way you look at me, the way you make me feel, I just..." Santana stops for a beat as she tries to find the correct words. "I just need you Brittany." She confesses, attempting to wipe away the tears but failing as more come. Brittany feels the pulling sensation within her again as Santana stands on her doorstep, breaking down in front her and spilling out her heart. Brittany feels her hands twitch, she feels an invisible force drawing her closer to Santana, almost like a string pulling at her like a puppet.

"Do you want a hug?" Brittany asks reluctantly but with the most sincere intention. Santana looks up at her surprised and can't help but crack a small smile before nodding and pulling Brittany towards her for a tight embrace. Brittany stands still as Santana's head rests where her heart beats with her arms around her waist, pouring out as many tears as she could treasure which was years of bottled up emotions. After a while, Brittany becomes more comfortable with the proximity and sinks deeper into the intimate embrace as they stand on Brittany's porch just holding onto one another.

"Do you feel that?" Santana asks, playing with the buttons on Brittany's jacket.

"Feel what?" Brittany blinks in confusion, allowing Santana to offer her a crooked grin before she stares at their feet bashfully.

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