Chapter Four

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Aaron's POV

It was now third period and everyone was still discussing my sister. Yeah, she's beautiful but they're talking about her in the wrong way. She shouldn't have to change the way she dresses for popularity.

This is kind of my fault since I had told everyone about her fake crush on Jason. She got teased a little bit because of it and now everyone seems to have forgotten about that now.

"Aaron is your sister Belle Edwards?" Ryan asked.

I turned around in my seat with a fake smile and nodded before turning back around and attempted to concentrate on my work which was almost impossible as I was getting asked millions of questions about my sister.

"Can you just shut up.. Please? Belle doesn't normally dress like that trust me. Now I would love to get on with my work so please stop distracting me" I growled and turned back around.

Well, that was the first time I've ever said something like that.


April was stood by my locker with a scowl plastered on her face. I smirked and approached her. I put my locker combination in and opened the blue metal door and placed my books inside.

"What's up with you?" I asked.

"Everyone keeps asking me about Belle and its really annoying!" I sighed and closed my locker.

"I know" I mumbled as we began to walk towards the cafeteria.

"3..2..1" April whispered before pushing the large white door open and as we expected everyone was crowding around our older sister. She was only a year older but she should be more mature than this.

I spotted a familiar head of red hair and nudged my step sister. She looked where I was pointing and I heard a quiet gasp escape her lips. Chelsea was stood beside some of the cheerleaders and they were all treating Belle as if she was the queen.

"She's been ignoring me all day too, what the hell?" She hissed.

"It sucks. We have Kieran and Oliver though" I smiled at her and watched her roll her green eyes.

"Yay" she mumbled sarcastically.

"You love them!" I protested.

"Yeah, but I want to spend time with my best friend" she pouted.

I dragged her over to the table where our two friends were sitting. Their gazes were on our sister too which seemed to annoy both of us. I don't get why everyone's so obsessed with her right now.

"Can you stop looking at her!" I hissed at the two boys.

They groaned and returned their attention to a book they were sharing. I couldn't see what the book was called but I'm pretty sure it was some sort of comic book.

April sighed and kept glancing at Chelsea and then back down at the table. I felt sympathetic towards her obviously but I wasn't sure how to cheer her up since neither of us have been in a situation like this before.

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